
Outstanding Award

Senior Secondary

A visual representation of "Contrast" by Tammy Ho

FUNG Wing Tung
Good Hope School

In my artwork, I want to illustrate how the father’s attitude towards ageing changes for the sake of his grandchildren. At the top right side of the painting, the old man is turning some hair colour cream into a playground. The hot air balloon, the swing, and the monkey bars make the place a paradise for his grandson to play in. The old man’s left arm acts as a slide for his granddaughter to play on and he spreads his right arm to shelter the kids from rain. All these depict how the old man attempts to protect his grandchildren and provide them with a better place to have fun. While the candies on the left represent the sweet memories he is creating, the sun shown on his heart and the smile on his face indicate how he finds ageing a blessing to him. He is now full of energy and positivity. At the bottom of the painting, two ducklings are accompanied by a big duck, symbolising the old man’s eternal love for his grandchildren.


He asked me to put the hairs
in a small yellow box. It was plastic,
with a catch at the front that clicked
when closed.

Every Sunday, I looked carefully
at my father’s head
and plucked out the grey hairs
that hid sneakily

among the robust black ones.
He gave me twenty cents for each strand
until one day, a few years later,
the box was full

and there were still so many more to pluck.
Overcome with sadness, I said,
‘Father, I don’t want the money.’
He then began dyeing his hair

and in the bathroom sink every week
drips of black water
revealed that father was clawing
back his youth.

Fifteen years later, he
has stopped dyeing his hair,
worried that the chemicals
might harm his grandchildren

whom he often rests
on his shoulders,
proud now
to highlight the contrast.

Tammy Ho

“Contrast” first appeared in the Asia Literary Review: Reprinted with permission by the poet.