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Learning and Teaching Resource CD for Primary General Studies (Science and Technology)


A series of "Learning and Teaching Resource CDs for Primary General Studies" is developed by the Education Bureau to support schools in implementing Science and Technology education in the General Studies curriculum. Through various learning activities that arouse their curiosity towards the natural and technological world, students explore and learn in an authentic environment which in turn help them construct knowledge and skills in relation to science and technology. This resource package is designed according to the "General Studies for Primary Schools Curriculum Guide", with themes on "Light, Sound and Electricity", "The Living World", "Force and Simple Machine" etc., and emphasising scientific inquiry as one of the learning and teaching strategies. During the inquiry process, students can develop "science process skills". The resource packages also include STEM education related learning activities with a view to strengthening students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills.


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The copyright of this resource package is owned by the Education Bureau. Schools may reproduce the contents for teaching purposes. No one may, by any means or forms, reproduce, publish, retransmit, disseminate, copy or adapt the contents of the publications for commercial or unlawful purposes, without the prior written consent of the Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government.
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  1. Light, Sound, Electricity

  2. The Living World

  3. 3. Forces and Simple Machines

  4. Solar System Exploration Materials Science

  5. Our Wonderful Body

  6. Green Living

  7. Water and Air

  8. Stories of Silk Road

    Name of learning activity (Click the links below to download )
    Zheng He and the Maritime Silk Road1. Investigation of watertight compartments (KS2) Chinese Version Only
    2. Making safety alarm (KS2) Chinese Version Only