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Student Grant

What’s New

Subsequent to the successful implementation of the electronic submission (e-Submission) of applications for student grant in government schools, aided schools, caput schools and schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) in this school year, EDB will extend the use of e-submission of applications to all types of schools, including private primary and secondary schools, English Schools Foundation (ESF) schools and kindergartens starting from the 2024/25 school year.  Parents are encouraged to use the e-submission platform to submit online applications for the student grant for the 2024/25 school year for students studying in the aforementioned schools during the specified period in September 2024.

To submit applications electronically, parents must have a user account of “iAM Smart+” with digital signing function.  Parents are strongly encouraged to register for “iAM Smart+” in advance.

How to register for “iAM Smart+” account:

  1. Parents who have the new smart identity card can use their personal mobile phone with NFC (Near Field Communication) function to directly register as an "iAM Smart+" user via version 3.5.0 or above of the "iAM Smart" mobile app, or register an "iAM Smart+" account through self-registration kiosk, registration service counter or mobile registration team.
  2. Book a session for on-site registration at designated schools. 

Apart from submitting online applications via the e-submission platform, parents can still follow the existing practice to submit the completed paper application forms to EDB through the schools.


As part of the $19.1 billion relief measures announced by the Financial Secretary in August 2019, a one-off student grant of $2,500 for each secondary day-school, primary school and kindergarten student was provided in the 2019/20 school year to alleviate parents’ financial burden in defraying education expenses.  The provision was approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on 6 December 2019.  According to the Chief Executive’s 2019 Policy Address, the provision of the student grant has been regularised starting from the 2020/21 school year.


Eligibility Criteria


The student grant is non-means-tested. All students (Note 1), as at the date of application, studying in secondary day-schools, primary schools and special schools (including public sector schools, Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) schools, English Schools Foundation schools and private schools) as well as kindergartens (whether having joined the kindergarten education scheme or not) offering local or non-local curriculum in Hong Kong, are eligible for the grant. Students of evening schools, students of private studies, holders of student visas for entry into Hong Kong for studies and holders of Recognizance Forms issued by the Immigration Department are not within the scope of subsidy.

[Note 1: Kindergarten students have to be at the age of two years and eight months or above as at 1 September of the school year in order to be eligible for the student grant.]

Taking into account that there are some students who should meet the eligibility criteria stated in the above but attend other programmes owing to special circumstances, we also deem the following students eligible for the grant:
(a) Children at the age of two years and eight months or above as at 1 September of the school year concerned attending Special Child Care Centres subsidised by the Social Welfare Department owing to special needs;
(b) Newly arrived children attending the full-time Initiation Programme funded by the Education Bureau (EDB); and
(c) Students taking full-time programmes for Secondary 3 school leavers offered by the Vocational Training Council.


Application Arrangements


All secondary day-schools, primary schools, special schools and kindergartens are informed about the arrangements of providing day-school students with the student grant in the relevant circular memorandum issued in September each year.  Starting from the 2023/24 school year, EDB will introduce electronic submission of student grant applications (e-submission) in public sector schools and DSS schools.  To cater for the needs of individual parents, apart from making e-submission, parents can still choose to return the completed paper application form to schools for onward submission.  However, only one application, either in electronic form (e-form) or paper form, can be submitted for each eligible student.  (the circular memorandum for the 2023/24 school year is EDB Circular Memorandum No. 160/2023)

e-Submission of Applications


Starting from the 2023/24 school year, parents/guardians (i.e. applicants) may submit online applications for the student grant for students studying in public sector schools and DSS schools.  Applicants must have a user account of “iAM Smart+” with digital signing function.  They may log in to the online service of “e-Submission of Student Grant Applications” via the “iAM Smart” App direct, or click the link ( ) to log in to the e-submission platform (e-platform) to submit online applications.

The e-platform will open at 6:00 a.m. on 14 September 2023 and close after 11:59 p.m. on 2 October 2023.  Schools should verify that the student concerned is their student within 14 days after the e-submission by an applicant.  For more information on e-submission, please refer to the Parent’s Guide. 

Paper Applications


EDB will distribute the student grant paper application forms via schools.  For the paper application forms, there are Form A and Form B.  Form A is a blank form (applicable to students who are newly admitted to a school or have transferred to another school in this school year) which can be downloaded for use via the link below.  Form B is pre-printed with the basic information of the student as well as that of the applicant (applicable to students who received the student grant last school year and are studying in the same school) and will be distributed by schools.


The paper application forms will be distributed through the students’ attending schools starting from 3 October 2023.  The completed paper application forms must be submitted through the schools that the students concerned are attending.  Schools should stamp a school chop on each paper application form to certify that the student concerned is their student.  The deadline for applications for the student grant in the 2023/24 school year is 8 November 2023.  Parents should return the completed and signed paper application forms via school to the Student Special Support Section Kwun Tong Office of EDB.


Disbursement of Grant


The student grant will be disbursed to applicants via bank transfer.  Applicants are required to provide full information on their bank account.  The name of the applicant must be the same as the bank account holder.  Bank account number should include bank code.  Incomplete information will lead to failure in bank transfer. Applicants should refer to the bank statement/passbook for the bank code, or refer to the “Video on how to fill in the paper application form (including how to fill in the bank account information correctly)” and “Common Bank Code List” under Reference below.  In case of doubt, applicants may wish to check with their banks.

Progress Reports


To assist schools to communicate with parents/guardians on issues related to the student grant, EDB will provide schools with progress reports on the applications via the Student Grant System (STGS) ( on a regular basis, which will help schools better understand the progress of the applications and respond to parents' enquiries as appropriate.  To download the progress reports and other documents, schools should access STGS via the Common Log-On System (CLO) either using a master school administrator account of EDB e-Services Portal or a school administrator account of CLO.  Schools can also delegate staff to assist in handling matters related to the student grant by using the delegation function in the CLO.







For enquiries, please contact the Student Special Support Section Kwun Tong Office of EDB (email:; hotline: 3850 2000; address: Unit 1001-3, 10/F, Kwun Tong View, 410 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon.) Please provide student name, school name, parent name and contact number to facilitate follow-up.