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Chapter 5: Paragraph Structure

5e: Concluding Sentences

A paragraph may sometimes include a concluding sentence. A concluding sentence serves different purposes, for example,

  • Purpose A: to reiterate or recap the argument of the paragraph
  • Purpose B: to suggest solutions, appeal for action or express a wish
  • Purpose C: to create a transition to the next paragraph

 Activity 6

Read the following three paragraphs about hunger. Match the concluding sentences (1, 2 and 3) below to the appropriate paragraphs. Then, with reference to the three purposes of concluding sentences provided (A, B and C), identify the main purpose of each concluding sentence.

Concluding Sentences
1 In other words, hunger arises from uneven food distribution among different income groups.
2 It is often the consequence of a combination of many other issues in our society.
3 But more importantly, increased international efforts in providing financial aid and technological assistance are needed to put an end to hunger.

Paragraphs about ‘Hunger’ Purposes
With today’s high technology in food production, it is a surprise to know that ending hunger is still one of the major tasks for the United Nations. To fight hunger, it is necessary to understand its causes. Hunger is not an isolated problem.
The root of hunger is not that we do not have enough food in today’s world, but that we do not distribute it evenly enough. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) (2000), while the richest 20% of the world population consume as much as half of the meat and seafood in the world, the poorest 20% consume only 5% of such protein-rich food.
As seen from the above, hunger is seriously damaging to the affected people and countries. As individuals, we can of course reduce food wastage by ordering only what we can eat.