Sitemap of Generated Files


188Non-local courses offered by Direct Subsidy Scheme secondary schools
189Examination fees for Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination
190Governance and decision making of universities
191Reviewing mechanism for registration of teachers
192Using Putonghua as medium of instruction for teaching Chinese Language subject
193Students with special educational needs
194Knowing about applications used on Mainland
195Mainland study tours of subject of Citizenship and Social Development
196Sister School Scheme
201Implementation of environmental, social and governance education
197Prevention of school and cyber bullying
198Promoting co-operation between Hong Kong and Mainland higher education institutions
200Attracting skilled talents
202Special education
203Funding for bachelor's degree programmes in Chinese medicine
199Promotion of national and national security education in higher education institutions
204Support for students with special educational needs
205Teacher qualifications for humanities subjects of primary and secondary schools
206Promoting Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination programme
207Mental health of primary and secondary school students
170Support to schools on Information Technology in Education
172Scope of work of the University Grants Committee
174Plagiarism in research results
175Survey on universities
176Training and employment support measures for teenagers
177Diversified Education and Training Opportunities
179Operation of self-financing programmes
182Ordering teachers alleged to have breached law to be suspended from duties
183Professional conduct of teachers
185Student opinion survey mechanisms of universities
178School-based after-school learning and support programmes
180Council of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
184Training of school principals and teachers
186Prevention of school and cyber bullying
187Basic Law Test for newly-appointed teachers
32[Archive] Review of employees' compensation system
31[Archive] Basis used in calculating the salary of a serving senior Graduate Master appointed to a lower-ranked GM post in another school
24[Archive] Increasing trend of young children sent abroad for education
25[Archive] Handling labour disputes and claims by the Labour Department
12[Archive] Reduction of medical students intake in the next triennium
4[Archive] Impact of a CFA ruling on the employee compensation mechanism
5[Archive] Assisting employees to recover unpaid wages
27[Archive] Direct salaries subsidy for Qualified Kindergarten Teachers
64[Archive] Amendment history of the Employment Ordinance
6[Archive] Illegal workers with forged green cards working in construction sites
11[Archive] Implementation of the recommendations concerning employee benefits made by a UN Committee
28[Archive] Funding Scheme for Workplace English Training
7[Archive] Different rates for salary adjustments in aided schools
8[Archive] Compulsory retirement plan of the HKIE
9[Archive] Detailed timetable for creation of job opportunities in the public sector
10[Archive] Interest rate adjustment mechanisms for various loan schemes for post-secondary students
13[Archive] Allocation of Secondary One discretionary places by schools
26[Archive] Survey on casual employment
15[Archive] Layoff by compines which have made huge profits
14[Archive] Long time taken by the Labour Department in arranging conciliation meetings and processing applications for ex-gratia payment
17[Archive] Participation by young people in pre-employment trainning and continuing education programmes
18[Archive] Various universities' early admission schemes for top Secondary Six students
19[Archive] Poor results of Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers
20[Archive] Plan to reduce the number of Primary One classes in the coming school year
21[Archive] Discrimination in the recruitment of teachers based on their religious belief
22[Archive] Trial scheme for teaching in small classes
23[Archive] Investment strategy for Quality Education Fund
1[Archive] Appointment of Teachers on a Job Sharing Basis
2[Archive] The issue of surplus teachers
3[Archive] Post-secondary education in Hong Kong
29[Archive] Assessment of Mainland academic qualifications
33[Archive] Review of academic structure
36Local Student Finance Scheme and the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students
37The total provision for education
38Review on pre-primary education
39Promoting sub-degree qualifications
40Non-Chinese speaking students learning Chinese
41HKIEd and university title
42First-year first-degree places
43University's conferment of honorary doctorates
44Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme
45Private consultation services by Faculties of Medicine staff
46Staff pay of subvented institutions and VTC
47Associate degree programmes
48Cross-boundary students
49LCQ5: Income generated from the provision of private consultation services at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of HKU
50Examinations arrangement for schools
51Number of places for first-degree programmes
52Student Travel Subsidy Scheme
53LCQ6: Matching Grant Scheme
54Financial assistance applicable to students at pre-primary, primary and secondary levels
55Chinese and English language teachers of primary and secondary schools
56Class sizes of special schools
57Student enrolment of secondary schools
58Temporary teachers employed in government primary and secondary schools
59Assessment of vocational training courses
60Undergraduate degree programmes in veterinary science
61"June 4th Incident" covered by most Chinese History textbooks
62Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme
63Rural schools
65Support to the school bus sector
66Remuneration for kindergarten teachers
67Advertisements of tutorial schools
68Measures to stabilise the development of schools
69Bullying in schools
70Schools encouraged to establish a harmonious and caring school culture
71Accord priority to quality assurance when promoting the development of the self-financing higher education sector
72Schools handling political activities
73Fees of kindergartens
7415-year free education
75Education of children from low-income families
76Children interest classes conducted in multi-storey commercial buildings
77International school places
78International school places
79Textbook price
80Education opportunities for non-Chinese speaking students
81Ratios of graduate teacher posts
82City University of Hong Kong to reduce intake places of self-financing top-up degree programmes
83Surveys on popularity of 2012 Chief Executive potential candidates conducted by Hong Kong Baptist University
84Student Travel Subsidy Scheme
85Liberal Studies Curriculum Support Grant
86Liberal Studies examination of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination
87Textbook market
88Primary One places in the North District
89Complaints about sexual harassment received by the UGC-funded institutions
90Drop in S1 student population
91International school places
92ESF Nomination Rights Scheme
93English Language teaching
94Primary One places in the North District
95Promotion of e-learning
96Transport arrangements for cross-boundary students
97Primary One places in North District
98DSS schools
99Teaching Chinese History in secondary schools
100Education policies
101Graduates of post-secondary programmes
102Admission to universities of HKALE candidates
103Supply and demand of kindergarten places
105Postgraduate Certificate in Laws programmes offered by universities
104Funding for conducting public examinations
106Competitive Allocation Mechanism of UGC
107Bullying in school
108Primary and secondary school places allocation mechanism
109Admission of students outside JUPAS
110Manpower planning for teachers
111Prevention of discrimination against employees of schools
112Promotion of vocational education
113Impacts of the assemblies triggered by Occupy Central
114Financial matters of tertiary institutions funded by the University Grants Committee
115Curricula of senior secondary subjects
116Employers' provision of documentary proofs of the work experience of employees and former employees
117Assistance provided for children with special educational needs
118Implementation of the Native-speaking English Teacher Scheme in primary schools
119Pilot Project on Enhancement of Complaint Management in Schools
120Career and Life Planning Grant
121Comments made by former official of Central Authorities on work of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
122Measures to improve the physical fitness and health of the youths
123Collection of enrolment deposits and tuition fees for self-financing post-secondary programmes
124Territory-wide System Assessment
125Appointment of the Chairmen and members of the supreme governing bodies of tertiary institutions
126English proficiency of Hong Kong people
127Scholarship for students from the "Belt and Road" countries
128Mental health of students
130Alleviating the study pressure on students
132Regulation of non-local higher and professional education courses
131Immediate measures to prevent students from committing suicide
129Recent spike of incidents of students committing suicide
133Conducting assessment and taking measures immediately to ensure the safety of greened building roofs in primary and secondary schools
134Issuance of rainstorm warning signals and announcements of class suspension
135Collection of first instalments of tuition fees and enrolment deposits by self-financing post-secondary institutions
136Sub-standard school premises
137Teaching Putonghua in kindergartens
138Installation of air-conditioning systems for aided schools
139Financial burden on students pursuing self-financing post-secondary education programmes
140Seminars and cultural exchange activities organised by establishments which are not registered as schools
142Measures to prevent student suicides
141Mechanism for holding regular working meetings established by the Education Bureau and the State Ministry of Education
143Use of additional funds for education purposes
144Implementation of Basic Law education
145Financial position of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
166Discussing topic of "Hong Kong independence" in lessons
168Study tour activities to the Mainland
169Intermediaries providing overseas studies services
171Overseas students studying in HK
173Rural schools
146Guard against activities advocating "Hong Kong independence" on school campuses
147Sexual harassment in schools
148Issues relating to the promotion of "Hong Kong independence"
149Primary 3 Territory-wide System Assessment
150Leak of public examination papers
151Provision of schools for the new public rental housing developments on Anderson Road
152Handling confrontations on campuses of tertiary institutions
153Monitoring extra-curricular activities organised for students
154The Liberal Studies subject under the senior secondary curriculum
165[Archive] Education expenditure
155Schools applying for all their Primary 3 students to participate in the Primary 3 Territory-wide System Assessment
156Curriculum Development Council
157Political disputes and violence in schools
158Theft of dangerous chemicals from university laboratories
159Complaints about teachers' professional conduct
160Complaints about teachers' professional conduct
161Professional conduct of teachers
163Problem of bullying in schools
164Professional conduct of teachers
167Mechanism for handling complaints against teachers
208Relationship between tertiary institutions and intermediary agencies for overseas studies