Learning and Teaching Resources

"In Love We Share,
In Love We Grow"
​​​​​​​Animation Series (NEW)

Year Planner 2024

Learning and Teaching Resources on Writing a Letter to Express Our Affection and Gratitude at the Primary Level

Learning and Teaching Materials on Letter Writing Competition -
Writing a Letter to Express
Love and Gratitude
​​​​​​​(Secondary Level) 

A Collection of English Learning Activities for the Promotion of Values Education: Examples from the School-based Activity
​​​​​​​“Week of Positivity”

SOW Activity Sheet -
PLAY, LEARN, THINK in SOWonderland: Fun Activities for Fuelling Positivity 

SOW Treasure Chest 

A Compendium of Week of Hope

A Collection of English Learning Activities for the Promotion of Values Education: Examples from the School-based Activity
​​​​​​​“Week of Hope”

SOW Year Planner 2023

Learning and Teaching Resources on Writing and Delivering a Motivational Speech at the
​​​​​​​Primary Level

A Resource Kit for Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom

Flipbook "SOW Campaign 2020/21 ​​​​​​An Anthology of Winning Entries"

Resource Kit on
​​​​​​​Inspirational Speeches

SOWIT Video Series - Primary/ Secondary Level

Learning and Teaching Materials on SOW Motivational Talk Contest - Writing a Motivational Speech (Secondary Level)

SOWIT Videos Resource Kit (Part 1)

SOWIT Videos Resource Kit (Part 2)

SOW Calendar 2022​​​​​​​

Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom (SOW) at Primary Level​​​​​​​

Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom (SOW) at Secondary Level​​​

English Fun Games with
​​​​​​​Sayings of Wisdom