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On-site Professional Support Services

This support service aims to align with the latest development in education and address the needs of kindergartens to develop school-based curriculum that caters for children’s needs. The curriculum development officers of the EDB will build partnership with kindergartens, to enhance teachers’ capacity for integrating theoretical and practical knowledge through collaboration and reflection in the following areas:

Areas of Support

The areas of support in the 2023/24 school year are:

  • Cultivating Children's Positive Values and Attitudes
  • Enriching Children’s Language Learning Experiences for the Interface between Kindergarten and Primary Education
  • Promoting Learning through Free Play
  • Cultivating Children’s Curiosity and Exploratory Spirit through Life Experience

Modes of Support 


Curriculum development officers will work together with the kindergartens and conduct regular co-planning meetings, lesson observations and post-lesson discussions on the selected area of support. Professional development activities will be organised and participating kindergartens will be encouraged to share their school-based experience.


The work flow of the one-year on-site professional support services is as follows:

Planning phase
  • Couducting professional dialogue to identify the focus/foci of on-site school support
  • Collaborative planning of action plan to address school need(s)

Developing phase
  • Implementating of the action plan
  • Establishing professional learning communities within/across school(s)
Review and evaluation phase 
  • Evaluation and reflection
  • Participating in annual sharing activity
  • Compling a summary report