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School Safety & Insurance

Insurance for Schools

In the interest of the school, teachers and students, all schools are advised to seriously consider the need for obtaining adequate insurance to cover the public liabilities arising from fire, accidents and injuries to students and other persons as well as the employees' compensation as required by the "Employees' Compensation Ordinance".  

The Government takes out a Block Insurance Policy for aided (including aided schools before full conversion into schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme) and Caput schools. 

The block insurance policy comprises 3 sections, viz the public liability insurance; the employees' compensation insurance and the group personal accident insurance. For further information, please refer to the documents below.

Insurance Specification update

Explanatory Notes

Common Questions and Answers on Block Insurance Policy update

Claim Procedures and Forms for Block Insurance Policy update

Briefing Sessions on BIP for 2023/24 and 2024/25 School Years held on 11 and 12 November 2024 update:  

Presentation materials (Chinese version only)

Coverage of BIP

Claim Procedures and Case Sharing

Risk Management and Court Cases

School Building Safety 

In all school buildings, the design, the construction, the fire resistance of the elements of the structure and the properties of the materials shall be such that the health and safety of the people working or studying there shall be reasonably assured. School buildings should be well maintained at all times, and authorised persons be arranged to inspect the premises to ensure their structural safety. In places where accidents may easily occur, the school should arrange for the necessary precautionary measures (e.g. "Safety Measures in Demolition Works at School Premises ", Safety Nets). The school should also observe relevant fire services legislation and regulations, and ensure that all fire service installation and equipment is kept in good condition at all times. Except with the consent in writing of the Permanent Secretary for Education, there shall not be made any structural alternation to the school premises or any subdivision of a classroom. The school management committee or incorporated management committee should ensure that the "Education Ordinance", "Education Regulations", "Fire Services Ordinance" and other related ordinances are strictly observed, and should refer to the "School Administration Guide" for guideline to ensure school safety.

Occupational Safety of Employees 

The school should protect the safety and health of its employees while they are at work pursuant to the "Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance" and its subsidiary regulations. To this end, the school should put in place all the necessary measures to enhance the safety in working environment, working procedures and devices, and the use and storage of materials. The employees should also observe the requirements of the relevant legislation to protect their own and other people's safety and health. The school may consider introducing a management system on occupational safety and health including the organisation of the system, allocation of safety responsibilities, risks assessment, safety and health regulations in the work place as well as contingency plans for emergencies. For details, please refer to Occupational Safety and Health .  Furthermore, the school should provide education, guidelines and training on occupational safety and health for its employees. It should also conduct fire drills and put in place the necessary first aid arrangements. For details, reference may be made to the home page of the Occupational Safety and Health Council. Also, the school may contact the nursing staff of the Occupational Health Service of the Labour Department to arrange occupational health talks which are free-of-charge.

Safety of Students 

The school should provide a safe learning environment for students to protect their physical and mental health and safety. There should be adequate space, ventilation and lightings in the places of learning. The school shall draw up a practical scheme for the evacuation of the school premises in case of fire and shall ensure that fire drill including the use of all exits from the school premises is carried out by the teachers and pupils once in every six months. It shall ensure that the exits from all the classrooms and the school premises are free from obstruction at all times. There should be a fully equipped first aid box in school, and at least two teachers shall be trained in administering first aid. The school should also provide suitable room(s) for health examination and first aid purposes. No pupil shall be permitted to enter any workshop or science laboratory unless a teaching staff is present. Teachers should not administer corporal punishment to a pupil. The school management committee or incorporated management committee should ensure that the "Education Ordinance", "Education Regulations", "Fire Services Ordinance" and other related regulations are strictly observed, and should refer to the "School Administration Guide" for guidance to ensure the physical and mental health and safety of the students.

EDBC No. 22/2024
Checklist of Student Safety and Health Measures (Revised in August 2024) DOC

Fire Safety Talks 

The Fire Services Department (FSD) will conduct, upon request from primary and secondary schools, fire safety talks/seminars for schools in order to strengthen among young people fire safety knowledge and raise their awareness about the importance of fire precaution in daily life.  In order to provide students and school personnel with accurate and comprehensive fire safety information, which private organizations may not be able to provide, schools may send the completed application form to Community Emergency Preparedness Division of the FSD by fax or post, or approach direct the Community Emergency Preparedness Division of FSD or the Station Commanders of their nearby fire stations for arrangement of fire safety talks/seminars.

Measures to be Taken in Case of Incidents Involving Odours of Gas including those from Unknown Sources

In handling case of incidents involving odours of gas,prompt actions must be taken, such as reporting to the emergency services, giving the students proper attention, notifying the parents and alerting the respective SSDO. Full records of the classes and persons affected with date, location and time should also be kept by the school head. For details, please adhere to the "Guidelines on Measures to be taken in case of incidents involving odours of gas including those from unknown sources"

Safety Measures during School Activities 

It should be noted that no roof or balcony shall be used for physical education or recreational purpose without the written approval of the Permanent Secretary for Education. No pupil shall be allowed to stay on any roof playground or balcony unless under the direct supervision of a teacher. The school must ensure that all necessary safety precautions are adopted in workshops and science laboratories and no instruction is given in the use of the instruments, operation of machines or in science experiment except by a teacher-in-charge. The school should observe the requirements for safe storage of poisons or dangerous materials. For other relevant information, the school may refer to the circulars and guidelines below:

Guidelines for Ensuring Safety of Pupils on School Transport Vehicles


Science and Technology subjects 


Visual Arts

Physical Education
Extra-curricular activities and organised outings
Tropical cyclones, heavy persistent rain, and thunderstorms
  • Briefing Session on "Weather Information for Schools" (13 Jun 2024)
  -  Powerpoint (Hong Kong Observatory) (Chinese version only)
  • Publicity Materials on Tropical Cyclones and Heavy Persistent Rain Arrangements

  -  Rainstorm Poster

  -  Leaflets

  -  Bookmarks


Safety Guidelines for Young Students Taking up Summer Jobs 

As a number of secondary school students may engage in temporary work in summer vacation, schools are requested to remind their students of the importance of safety at work.  To give advice to their students, schools may refer to the latest relevant circular and circular memorandum as well as the following information material:


A Guide on the Employment Ordinance for Summer Job Students


A Guide for Students Seeking Summer Job


Safety Hints for Young Persons at Work (Chinese version only)


Safety and Health Guidelines for Students (Chinese version only)


Job Safety for Working Youth (Chinese version only)

Drawings and Photographs of Sample Safety Nets

Drawings (in PDF format)

Safety Net for Staircase (Type A) - Plan

Safety Net for Staircase (Type A) - Section A-A 

Safety Net for Staircase (Type B) - Plan

Safety Net for Staircase (Type B) - Section B-B

Photographs (in JPEG format)

Photographs of Safety Net (Type A)

Photographs of Safety Net (Type B)