This year marks the 20th anniversary of the "Mainland-Hong Kong Teachers Exchange and Collaboration Programme". The School-based Support (Kindergarten) Section has launched a series of experience-sharing videos, namely "感.頌.賞—幼稚園中華文化傳承之旅". These videos compile the achievements of the " Mainland-Hong Kong Teachers Exchange and Collaboration Programme" for the 2023/24 school year. The videos are divided into three themes, showcasing the good practices of Mainland expert teachers collaborating with local teachers in designing and implementing Chinese culture activities. They provide reference for planning Chinese culture activities in kindergartens.
Please enjoy the following videos.(Chinese version only)
The School-based Support (Kindergarten) Section is currently producing a series of experience-sharing videos, namely “感.頌.賞—幼稚園中華文化傳承之旅” which compile the achievements of the “Mainland-Hong Kong Teachers Exchange and Collaboration Programme” (2023/24). The videos present the good practices of Mainland expert teachers collaborating with local teachers in designing and implementing Chinese culture activities. The themes of “感.童感二十四節氣”,“頌.童頌中國傳統節日與文化” and “賞.童賞中國藝術瑰寶” are showcased, providing references for planning Chinese culture activities in kindergartens. Below are some highlights from the videos (Chinese version only). The complete series of videos will be officially launched soon.
The School-based Support (Kindergarten) Section has recently published an e-book “尋根溯源·傳承文化—在幼稚園推行的中華文化活動” which compiles the good practices of the “Mainland-Hong Kong Teachers Exchange and Collaboration Programme” (2022/23) to help children learn about and appreciate Chinese arts and culture, as well as cultivate a sense of belonging to the country. This book serves as a reference for implementation of national security education. You are welcome to access the e-book (Chinese version only) through the following link or QR code. Thank you.
For any questions regarding the school-based support services for kindergartens, please contact the School-based Support (Kindergarten) Section at 2152 3137.