Education and Support Services for Newly-arrived Children
The Education Bureau provides support services for newly-arrived children, including the 6-month full-time Initiation Programme and the 60-hour Induction Programme, and provides public sector schools and Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) schools admitting these students with a School-based Support Scheme Grant to run school-based support programmes for them, so as to help them better integrate into the local community and overcome learning difficulties. All these support services are available to newly-arrived children from the Mainland, non-Chinese speaking (NCS) children and returnee children. Placement service and information on study pathways are also provided for them as appropriate. Newly-arrived non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students and their parents can access the following website for information about education services for NCS students in Hong Kong:
Full-time Initiation Programme
Newly-arrived children can choose to attend Initiation Programmes prior to joining mainstream schools. Initiation Programmes are 6-month full-time programmes aiming to enhance the learning experience of the newly-arrived children in a real classroom environment, help them adjust to the local society, and foster their personal development before they are placed in mainstream schools.
For enquiries, please call 2892 6190 during office hours.
List of schools operating the programme can be found in our EDB website.
Induction Programme
If newly-arrived children and young people choose to enrol in mainstream schools direct, they can also attend Induction Programmes in parallel. The Induction Programmes are 60-hour programmes run by non-government organisations which aim to help these students cope with adjustment problems and learning difficulties which they may encounter when they newly join the local education system.
For enquiries, please call 2892 6190 during office hours.
List of centres operating the programme can be found in EDB website.
School-Based Support Scheme Grant
As for public sector schools and DSS schools admitting newly-arrived students, they are provided with School-based Support Scheme Grant to organise school-based support programmes to help these students integrate into the local education system. Schools can flexibly make use of the Grant to run school-based support programmes such as conducting supplementary lessons, and organising orientation, guidance programmes, extra-curricular activities and visits for these students.
For enquiries, please call 2892 6188 during office hours.
Detail of School-Based Support Scheme Grant can be found in EDB website.
Arrangement for Placement of Newly Arrived Children
Parents of newly arrived children can approach the Education Bureau’s Regional Education Offices on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories East and New Territories West for assistance in seeking school places.
An information leaflet on education with a self-addressed business reply for newly arrived children is also available at the airport, Lo Wu entry point, Regional Education Offices of the EDB and 20 Public Enquiry Service Centres of the Home Affairs Department. Parents may fill in the particulars of their newly arrived children requiring schooling and send the returns to the Education Bureau.
Upon receipt of the returns, the Placement and Support Section of the Education Bureau will follow up the case. The workflow afterwards is summarised on this page.
For enquiries, please call 2892 6191 or 2892 6192 during office hours.