LC: Second Reading of the Construction Industry Levy (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2003
Following is the speech by the Secretary for Education and Manpower, Professor Arthur K C Li, in moving the Second Reading of the Construction Industry Levy (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2003 at the Legislative Council meeting today (April 9) (English only):
Madam President,
I move that the Construction Industry Levy (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2003 be read the Second time.
Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) services have grown in importance in the construction industry in recent years. There is a need to expand the spectrum and capacity of E&M training courses and the E&M trade tests which are specific to the construction industry. To address this need, we propose to extend the scope of the current construction industry levy to cover E&M works.
The additional levy collected from E&M works would be used by the Construction Industry Training Authority (CITA) to expand the scope, as well as covering the additional costs of construction industry related to E&M training courses and trade tests to include E&M services.
This would help provide more well-trained workers to meet the needs of the industry. It would also help raise the quality and productivity of workers and improve site safety. In addition, the proposal will facilitate the full implementation of the Construction Workers Registration System by providing the requisite training and trade testing to E&M workers in the industry.
To extend the coverage of the levy, the current definition of "construction works" under the Industrial Training (Construction Industry) Ordinance (ITCIO) and the Pneumoconiosis (Compensation) Ordinance (PCO), which specifically excludes E&M works, will be replaced by a new definition of "construction operations" in the Bill, which will encompass E&M works.
Besides the amendments to extend the coverage of the industry levy to E&M works, the Bill will also cover other amendments to the ITCIO including the modification of the composition of the CITA Board to include a representative from the E&M sector and allowing the CITA to appoint other bodies as training agents in the provision of services.
Madam President, I commend the Bill to Honourable Members. Thank you.
End/Wednesday, April 9, 2003