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Gifted Education

Latest Recommendation

Course / Event / Resources
  • Post-secondary institutions
  • Non-government organisations
  • Professional bodies
  • Technology enterprises

Application Period:
from 24 July 2024 to 6:00 p.m. on 13 September 2024

  • Principals and teachers from primary and secondary schools
  • Parents
  • To introduce how ‘Student Talent Pool’ could be utilised to facilitate the planning and implementation of school-based gifted education
  • To introduce rationales and relevant measures on ‘Gifted Education for All’ and ‘Education for the Gifted’
  • Principals and teachers from primary and secondary schools
  • To include information about Hong Kong gifted education policy, school-based gifted education, talent pool and gifted education teacher professional development, etc., for school personnel’s reference
  • Principals and teachers from primary and secondary schools
  • To share the experience of network schools in implementing school-based gifted education and to provide teachers with references in deploying differentiated instruction to cater for the learning and affective needs of gifted students, as well as infusing the core elements advocated in gifted education into the school-based curriculum
  • Principals and teachers from primary and secondary schools
  • Parents
  • To introduce the strategies to nurture students with potential in STEAM under the “Three-tier Implementation Model” and the latest development of gifted education and Gifted Education Fund respectively
  • Principals and teachers from primary and secondary schools
  • To equip teachers with basic knowledge of implementation of affective education for gifted students, thus enhancing the ability of identification of and catering for the affective needs of gifted students
  • 小學教育同工
  • 協助教師了解資優兼有自閉症、資優兼有注意力不足/過度活躍症和資優兼有特殊學習困難這三類學生的情意及學習需要
  • 提供相關的辨識工具,以助學校/教師及早識別並為有需要的學生提供適切的支援
  • 透過真實的學生個案,展示有效可行的課堂內外支援策略
  • 中學教育同工
  • 協助教師了解資優兼有自閉症、資優兼有注意力不足/過度活躍症和資優兼有特殊學習困難這三類學生的情意及學習需要
  • 提供相關的辨識工具,以助學校/教師及早識別並為有需要的學生提供適切的支援
  • 透過真實的學生個案,展示有效可行的課堂內外支援策略
  • 小學教育同工
  • 協助教師了解資優學生的潛能未展問題
  • 提供相關的辨識工具,以助學校/教師及早識別並為有需要的學生提供適切的支援
  • 透過真實的學生個案,展示在課堂內外有效的策略以逆轉資優學生潛能未展的問題
  • 中學教育同工
  • 協助教師了解資優學生的潛能未展問題
  • 提供相關的辨識工具,以助學校/教師及早識別並為有需要的學生提供適切的支援
  • 透過真實的學生個案,展示在課堂內外有效的策略以逆轉資優學生潛能未展的問題
  • 小學教育同工
  • 協助教師了解資優學生的情意特質與學生情緒健康的關係
  • 提供相關的辨識工具,以助學校/教師及早識別並為有需要的學生提供適切的支援
  • 透過真實的學生個案,展示在課堂內外培養學生的精神健康的策略
  • 中學教育同工
  • 協助教師了解資優學生的情意特質與學生情緒健康的關係
  • 提供相關的辨識工具,以助學校/教師及早識別並為有需要的學生提供適切的支援
  • 透過真實的學生個案,展示在課堂內外培養學生的精神健康的策略
Inclusion Pavilion – Gifted Education/ 
[In Chinese only]
  • 雙重特殊資優生:有注意力不足/過度活躍症的資優生
  • 雙重特殊資優生:有讀寫困難的資優生
  • 雙重特殊資優生:有自閉症的資優生
  • School personnel from primary and secondary schools
  • Parents
  • For teachers and parents to understand the needs of twice-exceptional students and effective supporting strategies
  • School personnel from primary and secondary schools
  • Parents
  • Assists teachers and parents to understand the affective characteristics of gifted students
  • Analyses the learning and affective needs of different types (including underachievers and twice-exceptional) of gifted students through 12 authentic primary and secondary school student cases
  • Provides immediate, short-term and medium-term strategies to support gifted students from various perspectives

Rationale and Principles of Gifted Education Policy in Hong Kong

The mission of gifted education is to fully explore and develop the potentials of gifted students systematically and strategically by providing them with opportunities to receive education at appropriate levels in a flexible teaching and learning environment.

To cater to the educational needs of gifted students, we advocate the following principles:

  • Nurturing multiple intelligences is a fundamental goal of quality basic education and should be the mission of ALL schools;
  • Gifted education should be part of quality education. The needs of gifted students, like their less able counterparts, should basically be met in their own school;
  • A broad definition using multiple intelligences should be adopted;
  • Exploring students' thinking and creativity abilities and social skills should be the foci of gifted education.
  • Schools should provide sequential and multiple educational activities to gifted students at different levels;
  • To compile resources collected from educational parties/bodies as support to schools.


Implementation of Gifted Education in Hong Kong

The Education Bureau encourages schools to adopt the "Three-Tier Implementation Model" to plan and implement their school-based gifted education. The core elements advocated in gifted education, i.e. higher-order thinking skills, creativity and personal-social competence should also be immersed in whole-school curriculum planning of Level 1 and 2.

 This diagram shows the three-tier operation mode in implementing gifted education in Hong Kong
(a) Level 1 refers to using pedagogies that could tap the potential of students in creativity, critical thinking, problem solving or leadership, etc. in the regular classroom;
(b) Level 2 refers to offering pull-out programmes in disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas for the more able students within the school setting; and
(c) Level 3 refers to provision of learning opportunities for the exceptionally gifted students in the form of specialist training outside the school setting.


Utilisation of Student Talent Pool for the Planning and Implementation of School-based Gifted Education   
Achieving ‘Gifted Education for All’ and ‘Education for the Gifted’

To achieve the ultimate goal of ‘gifted education for all’ and ‘education for the gifted’, schools should set up and utilise the school-based student talent pool to identify and nurture gifted talents, as well as facilitating the implementation of school-based gifted education.  Please refer to the posters ‘How to Utilise “Student Talent Pool” to Plan and Implement School-based Gifted Education’ and ‘Gifted Education for All, Education for the Gifted’ for details. 
資優教育組通訊      資優教育組通訊

Nurturing Students with Potential in STEAM

To identify and nurture students with potential in STEAM, as well as enabling them to fully unleash their potential,  the EDB encourages schools to adopt the “Three-Tier Implementation Model” and develop school-based talent pools to strengthen STEAM education.  To ensure holistic development of gifted students, schools are recommended to reinforce support to students in regard to their learning needs in STEAM and nurture gifted students with potential in STEAM.  Please refer to the posters “STEAM for Talent” and “Development of Gifted Education and Gifted Education Fund: Enhance Gifted Education and Nurture Students with Potential in STEAM“ for details. 
資優教育組通訊      資優教育組通訊

Gifted Education Resources and Support