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School Management Committee / IMC Service Agreement


Requirement for entering into the SMC/IMC Service Agreement

The management committee of a school is required to sign a Service Agreement (SA) with the Government under the following situations:

(a)      The school sponsoring body (SSB) has received substantive infrastructural support from the Government for

(b)      The school is admitted to the DSS.

(c)      Two or more schools merge into one school except under the following situations:


Pre-requisites for entering into the SMC/IMC Service Agreement

To enter into the SA, schools concerned have to fulfil the following three conditions:

(a)     The management committee is an incorporated body.  It can be incorporated under

(b)      The management committee as an incorporation has acquired a tax exemption status under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

(c)      The proposed School Development Plan (SDP) has been endorsed by the relevant District School Development Section of the Bureau. 


SMC/IMC Service Agreement

For management committees incorporated as an IMC under the Education Ordinance, they will sign the IMC SA and those incorporated as SMC company, the SMC SA. 


Samples (for reference only)

(a)    IMC Service Agreement -  applicable to new aided schools PDF

(b)    IMC Service Agreement - applicable to turned DSS schools    PDF

(c)    SMC Service Agreement - applicable to turned DSS schools   PDF



(a)      The SMC/ IMC SA has to be concluded within one year after the school has commenced operation on new premises, joined the DSS or undergone merging. 

(b)      The SDP has to be sent to the respective District School Development Section for endorsement within six months after the school has commenced operation on new premises, joined the DSS or undergone merging.  Please refer to the following Guide for compiling the SDP:

How to Compile "School Development Plan" (for Entering into the First SMC/IMC Service Agreement)  PDF