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Access to Information

Code on Access to Information


The Government exists to serve the community well within available resources. To this end, it recognises the need for the community to be well informed about the Government, the services it provides and the basis for policies and decisions that affect individuals and the community as a whole.



The Code on Access to Information (the Code) defines the scope of information that will be provided, sets out how the information will be made available either routinely or in response to a request, and lays down procedures governing its prompt release.



The Code authorises and requires civil servants, routinely or on request, to provide information unless there are specific reasons for not doing so. These reasons are set out in Part 2 and will normally be referred to if a request for information is refused.



Requests for information will be handled as promptly and helpfully as possible and if necessary, members of the public may be approached to clarify their requests or the requests may be directed to the most appropriate department. Procedures will be kept as simple as possible.



The Code also sets out procedures for review or complaint if a member of the public considers that the provisions of the Code have not been properly applied.


The Code can be accessed at



Procedures for Access to Information



This bureau has designated Senior Executive Officer (Administration Support)2 as the Access to Information Officer who is responsible for ensuring that requests for access to information under the Code are properly dealt with in accordance with the specified procedures.


Requests for information or records held by the bureau may be made by letter or application form. The application form can be downloaded in this homepage. The application forms are also obtainable in our Headquarters, Regional Education Offices or the District Offices of the Home Affairs Department. The application should be addressed to:

Address :

Access to Information Officer
Education Bureau,
16th floor, Wu Chung House,
213 Queen's Road East,
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong.

Fax :

2893 0858

E-mail address :


General Enquiries on Education Services


For general enquiries on education services, please contact the Bureau hotline at 2891 0088. Telephone numbers of different offices of the bureau are also provided through the Bureau Hotline.


Photocopying charges


Other than publications which are available free of charge, or at the cost specified, the following photocopying charge will be levied:


Photocopying black and white on A3 or A4 size paper with or without enlarging:

HK$1.5 (A4) / HK$1.6 (A3) per photocopy, unless otherwise provided by enactment or approved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury.


For enquiries, please call 2892 5462 during office hours.


Lists of information / records held by Education Bureau


The following information is available for public inspection at the enquiry counter of the Headquarters and Regional Education Offices of this bureau:-

(a) A list of information published or made available to the public, whether free of charge or at a cost

(b) A list of records by category


Declarations of Secretary for Education, Under Secretary for Education and Political Assistant to Secretary for Education

(a) Registration of financial and other interests, affiliation with political parties and membership of boards, committees and organisations of the Secretary for Education, Under Secretary for Education and Political Assistant to Secretary for Education as required by the Code for Officials under the Political Appointment System:-

         Secretary for Education         
         Under Secretary for Education         
         Political Assistant to Secretary for Education

(b) Declarations of Secretary for Education in Register of ExCo Members' Interests

Disclosure Log


The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information ("the Code") by this bureau.  The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.


If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer.  Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.




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