Dear Supervisors, Principals, Teachers and parents,
Since the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 1997, we have witnessed a transformation in our education system with significant achievements :
These are considerable achievements over a short period of time. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and dedication that have made this possible.
However, the aspirations of the society and the demands of an increasingly complex modern world require that the generic skills, the knowledge base and the values of our young people will have to be strengthened if they are to be good citizens of Hong Kong and the world. Our education reform effort is focused on this necessity.
I do recognise that the scale and pace of reform can leave those who have the greatest sense of responsibility feeling under pressure and overloaded. On the basis of a series of meetings with school councils, focus groups of frontline educators, and members of advisory committees over the past two months, I have gathered the following concerns :
These are important challenges to which EMB will respond swiftly and proactively. The first and most immediate action that we will take is to increase and improve communication between schools and EMB. Effective reform is a shared endeavour. There has to be thorough and shared understanding of the purpose of every reform initiative, and a shared commitment to deliver the desired outcome. The EMB directorate officers have jointly initiated a series of district level meetings to offer a holistic view of the initiatives originating from individual divisions and how they connect. We shall also share information with you about the latest progress on aspects of the education and curriculum reform, and the key findings of the stakeholders' survey.
Secondly, we shall launch a range of practical actions to relieve the pressure on schools and teachers, and provide better and more tailored support in key reform areas. Specifically,
Thirdly, we shall enhance the mode and level of school-based professional support to assist schools' development of teaching and learning in the Key Learning Areas, beginning from the 04/05 school year, and sustain for a period of three to five years. The nature of support will depend on a school’s own needs assessment. Already we have begun implementation of the SCOLAR plan for district-based support of Chinese and English panels. We shall also draw in professional support from tertiary and community partners both within and outside of Hong Kong.
I attach for your information a paper for the LegCo Education Panel which sets out details of the proposed school-based professional support. We aim to seek Finance Committee's funding approval within the current legislative session, so that work can begin in the next school year. I welcome your views on how to serve your needs better.
I hope this letter, and the actions that flow from it, will open a new chapter in education reform in Hong Kong. We have achieved an enormous amount and that success provides an unrivalled platform for the future. In order to build on our success, we need to develop a shared vision for the future, and a shared understanding of how we will achieve this vision. I look forward to your partnership and active response in moving forward.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Fanny Law
Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower
Related document:
The Paper for LegCo Education Panel