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Research Grants Council Award Presentation Ceremony of the Early Career Scheme and the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme

Research Grants Council


Award Presentation Ceremony of the Early Career Scheme

and the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme

on 26 October 2016


Speech by Mrs Marion Lai, Permanent Secretary for Education



Professor Benjamin Wah (Chairman of the Research Grants Council), Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,



   It is my pleasure and honour to attend the Award Presentation Ceremony of the Early Career Scheme and the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Prestigious Fellowship Scheme and pay tribute to the achievements of the awardees.


2.  Hong Kong is rapidly transforming itself into a knowledge-based economy.  Across the world, different countries and regions rely increasingly on their higher education sector to carry out research, in order to enable industry to flourish, innovate and meet social needs, and thus enhance our productivity and long-term competitiveness at the international level.  Moreover, teaching is closely linked to, and should be informed by, research.


3.  The Government is committed to support our academics and universities to enhance research capacity by providing a steady stream of research funding generated from the $23 billion Research Endowment Fund.  I am delighted to know that, with the support of the Research Endowment Fund, the Research Grants Council launched the Early Career Scheme and the HSS Prestigious Fellowship Scheme in 2012.


4.  The Early Career Scheme is tailored to nurture the development of promising research talents by supporting the research projects of junior scholars at the early stage of their academic career.  The HSS Prestigious Fellowship Scheme aims to give recognition of the excellent research work undertaken by our Humanities and Social Sciences researchers.  I would like to express my gratitude to the Research Grants Council in designing and administering these remarkable initiatives.


5.  On this memorable occasion, may I congratulate all the award recipients.  To our future star researchers, including those who are not able to join us because they are now giving lectures to nurture our next generation in the universities, I salute your dedication and commitment to a path less frequently chosen.  I am confident that with your enthusiasm and relentless pursuit of knowledge, you will further develop your potential and excel in the international research arena.


6.  To our experienced and renowned Humanities and Social Sciences  scholars, congratulations on bearing a new season of fruits by keeping faith when travelling on the long and winding path of research.  I hope that the research support in the form of extended time-off and subsistence funds would enable you to produce more fruitful research results in future.


7.  Today, awards are given to you all in recognition of your diligence, perseverance and accomplishments.  I wish you every success in transforming the cutting edge knowledge you have discovered into quality curriculum for the benefits of the students and further transferring the knowledge to the society to bring about socio-economic impact.


Thank you.