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Speech by Permanent Secretary for Education at St. Paul’s Co-educational College Model United Nations Conference 2024

Ms Michelle Li, JP
Permanent Secretary for Education
Speech by Ms Michelle LI, JP
Permanent Secretary for Education
at St. Paul’s Co-educational College
Model United Nations Conference 2024
2 July 2024 (Tuesday)



Professor KAPAI, Principal POON, distinguished guests, teachers, students and delegates,

   Good morning. It gives me great pleasure to join you today at the St. Paul’s Co-educational College (SPCC) Model United Nations Conference   I would like to express my sincere gratitude to SPCC for organising this wonderful event, which brings together students from around the world, providing an invaluable opportunity for them to interact, learn from one another and most importantly, develop a shared global vision.  May I extend a very warm welcome to all those delegates who come from abroad.

2.   The theme of this year’s conference -- “sustainability” is indeed relevant and timely at this juncture, when we have to seriously ponder on the survival and future development of humankind. We are in an unprecedented era amidst a shifting boundary where human and artificial intelligence converge and diverge.  We witness how climate change has increasing and severe impacts on human existence and well-being.  We see how peace and prosperity are threatened by interacting internal and external forces.  Looking back, the word “sustainability” as enshrined in the influential “Brundtland Report” published by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 already highlights the importance of a delicate equilibrium that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.  After a lapse of almost 37 years, humankind is still climbing a steep learning curve in understanding and embracing the concept of sustainability.  Dear students, you represent our future generations.  I am pleased to note that you gather here to discuss this important topic at your young age. 

3.    As envisioned in the United Nation’s Agenda 2030 which provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet, now and into the future, there are 17 sustainable development goals (or SDG in short) and over 160 targets. These 17 SDGs cover five “P”s of sustainable development: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships.  Today’s conference emcompasses all five Ps.  First of all, this conference promotes people-to-people bond at a young age and across different boundaries and cultures.  Secondly, this event is the fruit of partnerships of many organisations, thanks to SPCC and participating schools and organisations.  Furthermore, the conference topics straddle issues about the Planet, Prosperity and Peace.

4.   Here, I wish to highlight Quality Education, which is Goal 4 of the SDG. Hong Kong attaches great importance to education.  About one out of five dollars the Government spends is devoted to education.  Our vision is to nurture future leaders with the attributes, knowledge and skills that are closely aligned with the evolving local, national and global trends.  With this in mind, we have been holistically refining the curriculum from primary to secondary years.  For instance, we have optimised our senior secondary core subjects since the 2021/22 school year.  We are rolling out the the Citizenship, Economics and Society curriculum in junior secondary and will implement the new Primary Humanities by phases.  These curriculum changes, underpinned by learning activities in and outside classrooms, or even outside Hong Kong, will fully integrate the concept of sustainability and its key elements in an inter-connected world.  We trust it will further broaden students’ international perspectives, facilitate the connection of knowledge across different subjects, develop critical thinking skills, and enable rational analysis of contemporary topics through the study of major issues related to Hong Kong, the nation, and global developments.  Apart from curriculum changes, we have announced a basket of measures to develop Hong Kong as an international education hub.  We have world-class universities.  Five of our universities are among the top 100 in the world.  We welcome international exchanges at all levels.  This conference is certainly a great initiative and a vivid testimony of Hong Kong educators’ commitment to promoting international exchanges and nurturing future world leaders.

5.   In the upcoming conference, you will have a unique opportunity to put your thinking caps on and engage in the intricacies of international You will engage in debates and negotiations on complex issues that involve conflicting interests of different stakeholders.  I urge you to bring the spirit of collaboration and partnership to the table in resolving discords, seeking win-win outcomes for all parties, and most importantly, for the benefit of the present and the future.  Embrace unity in diversity, challenge assumptions, and think out of the box.  The solutions to our sustainability challenges will not come easily, but I have great confidence in your ability to rise to the occasion.

6.   This conference marks just the beginning of your journey. I hope that the ideas you generate, the experience you gain, the connections you make, and the people-to-people bond among you, will continue to inspire you.  Remember, your voices and actions have the power to catalyse meaningful  Through this platform, you can propose innovative ideas, forge partnerships and make a difference that transcend geographical boundaries.

7.   Finally, may I wish the conference a resounding success, each of you a rewarding and enriching experience, and all overseas delegates an enjoyable stay in Hong Kong. Thank you.