11 January 2011 (Tuesday)
2011 HKEAA Reunion Dinner
Speech by Mr Michael M Y SUEN, GBS, JP
Secretary for Education
Mr. Chairman (Eddie), Council members, Dr. Tong, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to join the Reunion Dinner this evening. The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority has, for decades, been a much treasured strategic partner of the Education Bureau.
The last few years have been particularly challenging. We have embarked on a fundamental change to the Senior Secondary Structure. The new Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education will be standards-based rather than norm-referenced and school-based assessment is a major component. These would bring in fundamental changes to the assessment culture and practice that Hong Kong has got used to in the past decades.
Besides implementing the host of changes on students’ assessments, the Authority has over the last few years enhanced its corporate governance, financial management and communication with stakeholders. I am pleased to learn that the Authority was awarded the Bronze Prize of the Mystery Caller Assessment Award from the Hong Kong Call Centre Association and the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency in October 2010. All these would not be possible without the Council’s leadership.
Of course, we must not forget the do-ers. I must also thank the staff of the Authority who are dedicated and supportive to the work of the Authority. At this juncture, I would like to pay tribute to Dr Francis Cheung, the outgoing Secretary-General, for all that he has done for the HKEAA over the past six years. To Dr C.S. Tong, the incoming Secretary-General, may I extend, on behalf of all my colleagues in the Bureau, a very warm welcome. We look forward to working with you.
Before closing, taking the occasion of the New Year, may I wish you all a Wonderful and Most Rewarding 2011! Thank you.