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The 7th Outstanding Teaching Award for Moral Education Jointly Organised by the Education Bureau and Winsor Education Foundation


Education is for the good cause of cultivating values.  Fostering students’ development of proper values, positive attitudes towards life and practising appropriate behaviour has always been the important goals of school education in Hong Kong.  The Education Bureau (EDB) advocates a series of priority values and attitudes as the direction for secondary and primary schools to promote values education.  Schools are also suggested adopting a comprehensive and integrated approach when promoting values education.   The EDB and Winsor Education Foundation have been jointly organising the Outstanding Teaching Award for Moral Education (OTAME) since the 2016/17 school year to further promote values education in schools.


The aim of the OTAME is to encourage schools to implement and promote moral education within and beyond the classroom by adopting a whole-school approach through holistic planning of the curriculum and learning content of different subjects and cross-curricular learning activities as well as fostering conducive school atmosphere, so as to nurture in students proper values, positive attitudes and practise appropriate behaviour on all fronts.

What’s New

The 7th Outstanding Teaching Award for Moral Education (2023/24)

The entry submission for the 7th OTAME (2023/24) was closed on 30 November 2023. Please refer to the EDB Circular Memorandum No. 173/2023 for details.

List of the Past Award-winning Schools and Teachers 

(Listed in no particular order) 

The 6th OTAME (2022/23) 

List of Teachers and Schools with Outstanding Awards:

九龍真光中學麥詠珊、楊雅雯、楊詠瑤、RIAR Saimanbir Kaur培育「守法」價值觀
元朗商會中學黃鳳鳴、丘志良STEAM for Empathy –長幼共融.以「心」同行

List of Teachers and Schools with Excellent Awards:

東華三院鄧肇堅小學林宇琛、曾康僑、梁佩儀、梁浩文堅毅 – 齊得美德.堅繫德
中華基督教會基順學校許詠詩、陳鳳美、張靖幗、廖宛婷推廣「互愛.正向校園」 — 培養良好品格、恰當情緒表達

The 5th OTAME (2021/22)

The 4th OTAME (2019/20)

The 3rd OTAME (2018/19)

The 2nd OTAME (2017/18)

The 1st OTAME (2016/17)

Award-winning Teacher Sharing (Listed in no particular order)

Kowloon True Light SchoolDr. Catherine F. Woo Memorial School

Video-clips  (To be uploaded later)

Teaching Practices/Resources Repository

Award Presentation Ceremony

Values Education Annual Prize Presentation Ceremony 2022/23 cum Award Presentation Ceremony of The 6th Outstanding Teaching Award for Moral Education will be held in the afternoon of 5 January 2024 at the Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon. Highlights of the event will be uploaded later.

Contact Us

Outstanding Teaching Award for Moral Education Secretariat
Address:Room 402,  4/F, Kowloon Government Offices, 405 Nathan Road, Kowloon
Enquiry:2153 7491
Fax: 3426 9265