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2024/25 Web-based Learning Courses for Gifted/More Able Students (jointly administered by the EDB and the HKAGE)


In order to provide appropriate advanced enrichment learning opportunities for gifted learners to excel in their talented areas, Education Bureau (EDB) has been providing web-based learning courses for gifted/more able students since 2008. Throughout the years, these courses have been well-received by teachers and students. The courses are organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) and the EDB is the supporting organisation. Schools are encouraged to nominate gifted/more able students from upper primary (P4 – P6) to secondary (S1 – S6) to the courses.


These web-based learning courses cover five programmes including Earth Science, Palaeontology, Astronomy, Mathematics and the Changing Hong Kong Economy. They are available in both Chinese and English. Each of these programmes comprises three levels of study with standards of the highest level up to senior secondary. Certificates will be issued to those who complete each level of study and pass the level test. Students of appropriate age1 who pass the level 3 test in any one of the programmes will be eligible to apply for a student membership of the HKAGE.

1 Target members of the HKAGE are gifted students aged 10 to 18.


The nomination period of all programmes is from 8 October (Tuesday) to noon, 25 November (Monday), 2024 as follows:

  • School nomination period: 8 October (Tuesday) – noon, 8 November (Friday)
  • Individual Application period: 11 November (Monday) – noon, 25 November (Monday)
Successfully admitted students are required to complete the enrolled course on or before noon, 4 August 2025 (Monday). Schools can nominate students to the courses via the HKAGE online system within the period stated above.

Click here to access the application web site of
Web-based Learning Courses for Gifted/More Able Students
(jointly administered by the EDB and the HKAGE)


Gifted/more able students from upper primary to secondary (P.4 – S.6) in Hong Kong


  • Earth Science
  • Palaeontology
  • Astronomy
  • Mathematics
  • The Changing Hong Kong Economy

Language Options:

Chinese or English



For enquiries, please contact the Enrichment and Diverse Learning, Talent Development Division of the HKAGE.
Tel: 3940 0101


Appendix I:

Web-based Learning Courses for Gifted/More Able Students - Course Outline - PDF