Teacher Version
Audio Clips
Unit 1 Healthy Eating
Task 1: A Smart Way to Start the Day Task 2: Break the Fast
Task 3: Skip It or Eat It
Unit 2 Two Greek Myths
Task 1: Who's Who? Task 3: The Star-crossed Lovers
Task 4: My View, Your View, the Student' View
Unit 3 Self-esteem and Cosmetic Surgery
Task 2: Who does Cosmetic Surgery Appeal to?
Task 3: An Open Mind on Cosmetic Surgery (Part A and B) An Open Mind on Cosmetic Surgery (Part C)
Task 4: Decision - Cosmetic Surgery or Not (Part A and Part B) Decision - Cosmetic Surgery or Not (Part C)
Task 6: Voice of Students - A Campus Radio Programme (Pre-listening) Voice of Students - A Campus Radio Programme (Task)
Unit 4 Careers
Task 1: Up Where We Belong (Pre-listening) Up Where We Belong (Task)
Task 2: Angels in White Task 4: Plan for your Future
A Video Clip
One Day in the Life of a Disc Jockey
Have you ever wondered what disc jockeys do in a studio? What preparations do they need to do for a programme?
What are the challenging tasks they need to handle and what skills do they need to possess?
Kelly talks to the hosts of a radio programme, Teen Time, and introduces you to the work of a DJ in real life.