Topic E (Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government:- measuring income inequality) - Thematic Report: Household Income Distribution in Hong Kong -Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR
Topic F (Measurement of Economic Performance) - Understanding the concepts of gross domestic product and gross national income -Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR
http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/fd.jsp?file=B8XX00262012XXXXB0100.pdf&product_id=B8XX0026&lang=1 - Chain Volume Measures of Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Product
http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/hkstat/un/curinterest/major_revision/index.jsp - Special Report on Gross Domestic Product
Topic I (Macroeconomic Problems and Policies) - Policy Address, Budget Speech, Accounts of the Government and Government Reports
http://www.gov.hk/en/residents/government/policy/ - Working Group on Long-Term Fiscal Planning Multimedia Information (Videos and Game)
Topic J (International Trade and Finance:- balance of payment account) - Understanding the concepts of statistics on balance of payments, international investment position and external debt—Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR
http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/fd.jsp?file=B8XX00272012XXXXB0100.pdf&product_id=B8XX0027&lang=1 - Interpretation and uses of statistics on balance of payments, international investment position and external debt—Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR
Elective Part: Part 1 (Anti-competitive Behaviours and Competition Policy) - Competition Commission
http://compcomm.hk/en/index2.html - Competition Policy Advisory Group
http://www.compag.gov.hk/about/ - Competition Ordinance of Hong Kong
http://www.legco.gov.hk/yr11-12/english/ord/ord014-12-e.pdf - A public discussion document on the way forward for competition policy in Hong Kong
Elective Part: Part 2 (Economic Growth and Development- Human Development Index) - United Nations Development Programme – Human Development Reports
(II) Learning and teaching strategies |
Learning economic concepts through games - Charles Holt's Teaching Interests
http://people.virginia.edu/~cah2k/teaching.html - Multi-Market Equilibrium, Trade, and the Law of One Price
http://people.virginia.edu/~cah2k/onepritr.pdf - Making Money
Classroom resources for economic education - Council for Economic Education in the US
Econ Experiments - A site on Economics experiments developed by a team in the Chinese University
- Contains lesson plans for Economics Experiments and contributions from school teachers and discussion group
(III) Economic Issues / Policies in Hong Kong |
Working Group on Long-Term Fiscal Planning http://www.fstb.gov.hk/tb/en/working-group-on-longterm-fiscal-planning.htm - Report of the Working Group on Long-Term Fiscal Planning and Fiscal Pojections
Minimum Wage Commission http://www.mwc.org.hk/ - Review of the Statutory Minimum Wage rate and news related to Minimum Wage
Commission on Poverty http://www.povertyrelief.gov.hk/eng/welcome.html - Poverty Line and Poverty Alleviation Measures
Community Care Fund http://www.communitycarefund.hk/en/index.asp - Assistance programmes under the Fund
Public Consultation on the Long Term Housing Strategy http://www.thb.gov.hk/eng/policy/housing/policy/lths/ - Long term housing strategy public consultation and Report on public consultation
Steering Committee on Population Policy http://www.hkpopulation.gov.hk/en/aboutus.html - Steering Committee on Population Policy Progress Report 2012
Trade and Industry Department http://www.tid.gov.hk/english/cepa/index.html - Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)
Hong Kong Monetary Authority http://www.info.gov.hk/hkma/ - Includes press releases, statistics, publications, speeches, useful links and a learning centre of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Census and Statistics Department http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/ - Information on publications and statistics compiled by the Department
The Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research http://www.hkcer.hku.hk/ - Articles published by the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research of University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/en/ - Information on public examinations, examination results and publications of HKEAA
China Statistical Yearbook http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/statisticaldata/AnnualData/ - Annual data published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China
The People’s Bank of China http://www.pbc.gov.cn/publish/english/963/index.html - Monetary Policy of the People’s Republic of China
International Monetary Fund (IMF) http://www.imf.org/ - Information on different countries and publications of IMF
The World Bank http://www.worldbank.org/ - Statistics, publications complied by the World Bank and learning materials on economic development for classroom use
World Trade Organization (WTO) http://www.wto.org/ - Statistics, on-line bookshop and news offered by the WTO
World Economic Forum http://www.wto.org/ - News, reports and events offered by the organization
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System http://www.federalreserve.gov/ - Current U.S. Monetary Policies and Educational Tools
European Central Bank http://www.ecb.europa.eu/home/html/faqinterestrates.en.html - Current EU Monetary Policies and Educational Supports