i) Relating to the senior secondary Economics curriculum
Description | View or Download |
Knowledge Enrichment for the Economics curriculum | |
Compulsory part | |
PowerPoint Slides of the course “The Development of Data Response Question in Economics: Theory and Practice (New Course)” held on 30 June 2021. | |
PowerPoint Slides of the online courses “Induction course for new Economics teachers (Online course)” held on 23 March and 19 July 2021. | |
PowerPoint Slides of the online course “The development of electronic money and virtual bank & demonstration of a related data-response question (New) Online course” held on 4 February 2021. | |
PowerPoint Slides of the online course “Develop data-response question in Economics: Illustrate with the issue of poverty and income inequality (New) Online course” held on 11 December 2020. | |
PowerPoint Slides of the online course “Develop data-response question in Economics: Illustrate with the example of US-China Trade War (New) Online course” held on 23 November 2020. | |
PowerPoint Slides of the online courses “Learning and teaching of Macroeconomics: AS-AD Model & Money Market Analysis(Online course)"held on 20 Nov. & 15 Dec. 2020 | |
PowerPoint slides of the seminar "Review and outlook of Hong Kong’s economy (New)" held on 14 January 2020 | |
PowerPoint slides and learning and teaching resources for the seminar "Behavioural Economics: "Actually, People Don’t Behave like Robots (New)" held on 4 December 2019 | (Part 1) (Part 2) |
PowerPoint slides of the seminar "70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China (70A) – The latest development of China’s economy and the implications to Hong Kong’s economic development (New)" held on 3 June 2019 | |
PowerPoint slides of the seminar "The learning and teaching of selected topics in Economics Curriculum: AS-AD model and money market (New) " held on 20 May 2019 | |
PowerPoint slides of the seminar "The issue of ageing population and retirement protection in Hong Kong (New) " held on 3 April 2019 | |
PowerPoint slides of the seminar "Economic Analysis and Application of Big Data (New)" held on 11 March 2019 | |
Elective Part | |
PowerPoint slides for the seminar “Latest Developments in Hong Kong’s Competition Ordinance and Teacher’s Experiences Sharing in Teaching Relevant Concepts (New) Online course” held on 11 Mar 2024. | Read more |
Assessment | |
Materials used in the seminars "Assessing Student Learning for the Economics Curriculum: Students’ performance in HKDSE Economics Examination" from 2017 to 2023 | Read more |
ii) Others