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Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses

Financial assistance under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses is provided to adult learners attending evening secondary courses run by the Approved Course Providers in designated centres.  Students having fulfilled the eligibility criteria will be reimbursed 30% of the tuition fees paid.  In addition, needy students having obtained full or half level of assistance in the means test administered by the Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) and having completed the application procedures will be reimbursed in full (100% of the tuition fees paid) or half (50% of the tuition fees paid) respectively.  Subsidies are provided on a reimbursement basis in two instalments after each school term.  For details, please visit WFSFAA's website (


Eligibility Criteria for Tuition Fee Reimbursement as Confirmed by the Approved Course Providers


  • Students must be aged 17 or above and attending evening secondary courses that are commissioned by the Education Bureau in designated centres.
  • Students must have attained the following minimum attendance requirement considered separately for each of the two school terms in a school year:


1.  at least 80% attendance; or

2.  at least 60% attendance plus an overall pass in the term assessment; or

3.  at least 60% attendance plus inclusion of an exemption for the remaining 20% attendance to be proved by prescribed means including medical certificates or employers' certification of work commitment.


Conditions under which Students will not be Eligible for Tuition Fee Reimbursement


  • Students who have obtained reimbursement under the former Project Yi Jin (PYJ) or the current Diploma Yi Jin (DYJ) Programme (previously known as the Yi Jin Diploma (YJD) Programme) or the Diploma of Applied Education (DAE) Programme will not be eligible for reimbursement under this scheme unless they have refunded the HKSAR Government all the reimbursement obtained under the PYJ or YJD / DYJ or DAE Programme, regardless of whether they succeeded or failed to complete the programme or attained the desired qualification under the scheme.
  • Students cannot receive financial assistance for repeating the same level of study under the scheme, unless they switch from other curriculums to the New Senior Secondary curriculum.


Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme


  • If students have financial difficulties in paying their tuition fees in advance, they can apply to the Student Finance Office for loans under the Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS). From 2019/20 school year onwards, the HKSAR Government may apply any tuition fee reimbursement (including the 30%, 50% or 100% tuition fee reimbursement, if any, as the case may be) granted for the student’s studies of the Designated Evening Adult Education Courses to offset any amount payable/ repayable by such student under his/ her ENLS loan account(s) for the Designated Evening Adult Education Courses programme to the HKSAR Government.




From the 2021/22 to 2025/26 school years, the Education Bureau has appointed Kwun Tong Lutheran Evening School,  The Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod Limited and RSEFHK Maria College Limited as Approved Course Providers for the provision of local evening secondary courses in the 14 Designated Centres listed below.


Designated Centres


Enrolment and Enquiries

For enrolment and enquiries on the course, please contact the respective centres at the relevant contact telephone number.


(i) For enquiries relating to tuition fee reimbursement, loans under this Financial Scheme and the relevant application procedures, please contact the Student Finance Office (SFO).

     Student Finance Office(SFO)

    Telephone Number: 2802 2345 (Tuition Fee Reimbursement)

    Telephone Number: 2802 2345 (Assessment of Eligibility for Full/Half Fee Reimbursement)

    Telephone Number: 2150 6223 (Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme)



 (ii) For enquiries relating to this Financial Scheme, please contact the Education Bureau.

       Education Bureau

      Telephone Number: 3509 7404
