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[Archive] Background


In 2000, the Working Party on Harmonisation of Pre-primary Services was formed by the Government. Its terms of reference were to advise the Government on matters related to harmonisation of pre-primary services. In 2002, the Working Party issued the Consultation Document PDF (498 KB)on Harmonisation of Pre-primary Services and held a series of consultation sessions to seek views from the pre-primary sector and the general public. Based on the views collected from the sector and the public, the Working Party finalized its recommendations on harmonisation of pre-primary services. The recommendations had been presented to the LegCo Panel on Education and accepted by the Government (see LegCo Panel on Education LC Paper PDF (323 KB) No. CB(2)1125/02-03(01) Way Forward for Harmonisation of Kindergartens and Child care Centres). Education Bureau Circular (EDBC) No. 20/2003 PDF (71 KB) was issued in May 2003 to inform kindergartens (KGs) of the schedule and measures adopted to harmonise KGs and child care centres (CCCs).