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Effective Use of Resources in Schools

Climate change is now a great global challenge. As in other places, Hong Kong should get ready to take collaborative actions to rise to this challenge. In this connection, schools are urged to formulate and put in place their school-based environmental policy with an aim to enhance students' environmental awareness, develop their environmentally friendly attitude, and promote green practices and environmental education. Schools should join hands with staff and students to implement various measures to use resources effectively, and avoid and reduce waste.



(I) Formulation of School Environmental Policy

Useful Webpage:

  • "The Hong Kong Green School Award" 


(II) Promotion of Renewable Energy in Schools

  • Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 168/2019 on Participation of Schools in the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Scheme
     Circular Memorandum
  • "Solar Harvest - Solar Energy Support Scheme for Schools and Welfare Non-Governmental Organisations" by Electrical and Mechanical Services Department



(III) Measures to Save Resources and Reduce Expenses

(A) Economy in Use of Paper/Envelope

  • Use blank side of used paper for drafting
  • Print on both sides of paper
  • Use recycled paper
  • Minimize photocopies
  • Reuse envelopes or use transit envelopes
  • Do not use envelopes for unclassified documents
  • Communicate within and outside school by e-mail (including exchange of information, issue of invitation letters)
  • Use the format of electronic files to keep and release school information
  • Urge staff to use their own cups instead of paper cups
  • Use plain paper fax machines
  • Check the settings before photocopying or printing
  • Use photocopiers and printers equipped with double-sided printing function
  • Avoid using fax leader pages
  • Use old letter heads to print incoming fax messages
  • Install "green tray" in LAN laser printers, photocopiers, fax machines and classrooms so as to use blank side of used paper
  • Use old sets of documents for re-circulation
  • Use blank side of used paper to make note pads
  • Encourage students to keep their old exercise books for paper recycling


(B) Economy in Use of Electricity

  (i) Lighting Installation

  • Use T5 fluorescent tubes, light emitting diode (LED) lamps or compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) where practicable
  • Use task light to minimize general lighting
  • Procure CFL with Grade 1 energy label under the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (MEELS) upon replacement of old equipment
  • Modify group lighting switches to individual switches
  • Avoid excessive levels of illumination
  • Consider replacing electromagnetic ballasts of fluorescent lamps to electronic ballasts
  • Consider replacing conventional Exit signs to LED exit signs
  • Keep all windows, light bulbs and light fittings clean to maintain optimum lighting performance
  • Maintain only those lighting which are essential for safety, security or other specific purposes in areas that are infrequently occupied
  • Maximize daylight usage


 (ii) Air-conditioning (A/C) and Ventilation Installations

  • Set and maintain an average room temperature between 24-26°C during the summer months from June to September. For the other months, set the A/C system to the most energy-efficient operational mode and adjust A/C temperature set-point to achieve comfort conditions, if necessary 
  • Choose the model of air-conditioners with the cooling capacity most suitable for the size of the room and with Grade 1 energy label under the MEELS
  • Clean the dust filters and fan coil units regularly; remove obstructions at air inlets and outlets of the A/C and ventilation
  • Keep all the windows and doors closed when air-conditioner is running
  • Turn on air-conditioner no sooner than one uses a room (i.e. no earlier than 15 minutes), and the last one out to turn it off upon leaving
  • Use high fan mode instead of lowering the temperature of air-conditioner
  • Lower and completely close Venetian blinds when direct sunlight is penetrating a window in the summer season, even if additional artificial lighting is required to compensate for the reduction in daylight  
  • Use ventilation or fans instead of A/C as far as possible during cool seasons


 (iii) Others

  • Extend the application of renewable energy to buildings undergoing major renovation and retrofitting wherever practicable
  • Consider using more energy-efficient electrical appliances, e.g. refrigerator with Grade 1 energy label under the MEELS and procure energy efficient office equipment and peripherals with energy saving labels under the Voluntary Efficiency Labelling Scheme upon replacement of old equipment


 (iv) "Bulk Tariff" / "Maximum Demand Tariff" on Electricity

 For schools that have consistently high electricity consumption despite attempts to reduce the use of electricity, they
 should check with their respective power companies to see whether or not there is an overall saving if the "Bulk Tariff"
 / "Maximum Demand Tariff"(BT / MDT) is adopted. For details of the BT / MDT, please visit the following websites:


     "Bulk Tariff" by CLP Power Hong Kong Limited


     "Maximum Demand Tariff" by The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited


 (C) Economy in Use of Water

  • Teach students not to play with water in the toilet
  • Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily
  • Irrigate plants in the morning or in the evening to avoid rapid evaporation under the mid day’s scorching sun
  • Arrange for prompt repair to any dripping tap or leaking water main found


 (D) Other Good Housekeeping Practices

  • Appoint a designated staff member to follow up on the implementation of the energy saving measures in school premises
  • Monitor the usage of electricity, water and paper
  • Conduct routine checks to ensure unnecessary lighting/air-conditioners, communal facilities (e.g. photocopiers) are switched off outside school/office hours
  • During recesses, lunch breaks and after classes are finished, switch off the lights and air-conditioners in the classrooms once nobody is in the rooms
  • Remind the last one to leave the classroom/office to switch off all electrical appliances
  • Switch on computers, printers and projectors only when needed
  • Shorten operation hours of lifts
  • Attach notices to all switches and exits to remind staff to turn off lights, air-conditioners and other appliances
  • Remind staff and students on regular basis of the need to save resources


 (E) Others

  • Make appropriate green lunch arrangements and follow the principles of reducing waste, e.g. use reusable food containers and cutlery; facilitate students to bring and use reusable cutlery given to them; implement on-site food portioning; portion out food in a flexible manner; and encourage students to bring their own lunches
  • Adopt a green purchasing policy
  • Reduce number of greeting cards by sending electronic cards
  • Re-use decorative materials
  • Cut down on gift wrapping paper
  • Reduce number of wreaths and flower-baskets



(F) Useful Websites

  • Environmental Campaign Committee : 


  • Environment and Ecology Bureau and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department :


  • Environment and Ecology Bureau :


  • Environmental Protection Department :


  • Friends of the Earth (HK) :