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Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme

Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange
for Students and Youths (JENESYS) Programme


At the Second East Asia Summit (EAS) held in January 2007, the Japanese Government announced a 35-billion-yen youth exchange programme to invite about 6,000 young people from the EAS member states (including members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Australia, China, Indian, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea) to visit Japan with a view to establishing a basis of Asia’s solidarity through youth exchange. Subsequently, the Government of Japan has launched the Programme in 2007. The invitation is extended to Hong Kong in 2008.

JENESYS aims to promote mutual understanding among the East Asia region, and to deepen understanding of Japan through the following activities under the proposed exchange programme :

  • Field visits to research institutes, museums, specialized organizations, etc.
  • Interaction with Japanese youths through attachments to schools, etc.
  • Cultural experiences by home stays, visits to traditional cities and historical sites

Programme Content
The Delegation visits Japan for 7 to 9 days. The activities normally include field visits to cultural, economic and environmental facilities, school visits and home stays for education and cultural exchange.

Programme Expenses
The Japanese government shoulders the essential costs, such as, air fares, local transport, boarding and lodging as well as travel insurance of the Hong Kong delegates. 





Student Special Support Section: 2892 6662 or 2892 6659