Parent Seminar on “Help my kid to level-up to enjoy primary school life, I can do it!” (Conducted in Cantonese)
Parents often have mixed feelings when their children enter primary schools. On the one hand, parents are not familiar with the curriculum and learning mode of primary schools and need to figure out ways of helping their children adapt to primary school life. On the other hand, parents are excited because their children are going to be primary school students, which is a milestone in their lives. A smooth transition means a good start to a child’s journey of learning. In fact, both parents and children need careful planning and preparation to facilitate happy learning as well as the smooth transition. What should parents do to achieve this goal?
In this connection, the Education Bureau (EDB) has commissioned The Education University of Hong Kong to conduct a talk during which the speaker, Dr. Eva LAU, will guide parents on how to provide cognitive, emotional, and self-care support for their children. In addition, the speaker will discuss the importance and challenges of the transition to a child, explain how to set reasonable expectations for children, and help children set reasonable goals. Apart from this, Dr. Eva LAU will also share some tips on how to participate more in their children’s school life. A series of parent-child activities will be recommended to promote parent-child relationship. Before entering primary schools, children need to master some skills in different aspects. Therefore, the speaker will assist parents in understanding the relevant skills so as to facilitate children’s quick adaptation to primary life. Finally, there will be a case study session to guide and encourage parents to apply the knowledge and theories they have learnt in daily life.
The above-mentioned seminar (Code: 2033) will be conducted on 26 June 2021 (Saturday) from 3pm to 5pm in Conference Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong. Interested parents can visit the EDB’s website on Parents’ Talks ( for seminar arrangements and enrolment details. Parents are most welcome to join!

The EDB’s website on Parents' Talks
(Path: EDB Homepage > Students and Parents Related > Parents Related > Parents Talks)