“Smart Net Surfing with Kids” Parent Seminar (3): e-Learning and Internet Culture
IT in Education Section of EDB, Hong Kong Education City and Committee on Home-School Co-operation will co-organise “Smart Net Surfing with Kids” Parent Seminar (3): e-Learning and Internet Culture. The seminar will be held on 22 January 2022 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm in webinar mode. Registration is now open (application deadline: 21 January 2022 2:00 pm). Curriculum leader from a school will introduce e-learning media and advantages of e-learning, and share tips on Internet safety with parents. An experienced social worker will share on children’s Internet culture and how to develop a cohesive parent-child relationship. Parents are cordially invited to join the seminar. The seminar will be conducted in Cantonese. For details, please refer to the website ( https://www.hkedcity.net/eventcalendar/event/61c415d9064612565c11e7dc).
For enquiries, please contact HKEdCity at 2624 1000 or email to info@hkedcity.net.