Get ready for the release of HKDSE Examination results
The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority will release on July 19 the results of the 2023 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination. To get ready for a new chapter in life, students should be positive and proactive, keep themselves updated on the multiple pathways and plan well ahead.
As always, the Education Bureau (EDB) provides students with appropriate support and timely updates on the Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students (Webpage) ( The Webpage contains information about study opportunities, such as local degree and sub-degree programmes, vocational and professional education and training programmes, Diploma of Applied Education programmes, non-local courses as well as further studies in the Mainland and abroad. To search for local institutions’ programmes for which they meet the minimum entrance requirements, students may input their predicted or actual HKDSE Examination results using the “e-Navigator”. They may then work out an appropriate plan for further studies based on the matching results. In addition, the Webpage also provides students with essential information pertaining to the release of the HKDSE Examination results, as well as some useful pointers on multiple pathways and counselling and support services. To facilitate students’ and parents’ access to the various information, “Reminders for 2023 HKDSE Exam and Exam Results Release” have been introduced this school year. Presented in vivid images and concise language, these important reminders serve to help students prepare for the results day and plan their future studies and career pathways based on personal needs.
To enable parents and their children to get ready for the release of the examination results ahead of time, the EDB has pre-recorded a parents’ seminar titled “Get prepared for the Release of HKDSE Examination Results – the Latest Information on Multiple Pathways”. The seminar will touch on various topics including the EDB’s comprehensive support measures for candidates of HKDSE Examination, arrangements of the release of results, procedures of programme choice modification and announcement of offers through JUPAS, as well as the latest information on post-secondary studies and multiple pathways. The videos and presentation slides of the seminar will be available for parents’ and students’ viewing on the EDB’s New Academic Structure Web Bulletin ( by mid-June 2023.

Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students

New Academic Structure Web Bulletin