‘e-Generation Joyful Internet Surfing’ Parent Seminar (2) Preventing Internet Addiction and Saying No to Harmful Online Information
IT in Education Section of EDB, Hong Kong Education City and Committee on Home-School Co-operation will co-organise ‘e-Generation Joyful Internet Surfing’ Parent Seminar (2) Preventing Internet Addiction and Saying No to Harmful Online Information. The seminar will be held on 9 December 2023 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in webinar mode. Registration is now open (application deadline: 9 December 2023 11:00 am). A representative from Office for Film, Newspaper & Article Administration will share with parents on how to assist their children in establishing positive values, staying away from harmful information, and avoiding online traps. Additionally, two registered social workers will explain to parents on how to identify if their children’s addiction to the Internet, master parenting and listening skills, make good use of offline activities, to help their children break free from Internet addiction. For details, please refer to the website (https://www.hkedcity.net/eventcalendar/event/6555916ccc9f93b939bf525c).
For enquiries, please contact HKEdCity at 2624 1000 or email to info@hkedcity.net.