Asked by : Hon David CHU
Replied by : SEM
Question :
It was reported that the Hong Kong College of Management was closed in mid-May. As at 17 May, the Consumer Council had received a total of 144 complaints from students of the College, involving prepaid tuition fees amounting to $1.3 million. With regard to the Education Department's ("ED") supervision of private schools, will the Government inform this Council of:
Madam President,
a. | From January 1999 to August 2000, the Education Department (ED) received eight written complaints against the Hong Kong College of Management. From the commencement of the 2000/01 school year to the end of April 2001, ED received a total of 159 complaints, including those referred by the Consumer Council, against the school. From January 1999 to August 2000, complaints filed were mainly about collection of school fees not in accordance with the approved number of instalments, running unapproved courses and poor teaching quality etc. Except for two anonymous complaints where ED could not get in touch with the complainants for further action, all cases were settled. From the commencement of the 2000/01 school year to April 2001, complaints filed were mainly about termination of courses due to closure of schools, improper class arrangement/failure to operate courses as originally scheduled, collection of school fees not in accordance with the approved number of instalments and poor teaching quality etc. ED and the Police are now investigating the complaints filed from the commencement of the 2000/01 school year to April 2001. Legal advice is that it is not appropriate at this stage to disclose details of the complaints and the follow-up actions, pending completion of investigation and possible legal proceedings. |
b. | At present, the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279) requires that school fees have to be approved by the Director of Education (DE). The Ordinance also empowers DE to cancel the registration of a school or a school manager, appoint additional managers to sit on the school management committee or direct remedial measures to be taken within a specified period, if a school is found not to be managed satisfactorily. Apart from enforcing the Ordinance, ED also takes the following measures to prevent schools from overcharging fees and mismanaging their affairs -