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[Archive] Voucher scheme for tertiary education



Date of Meeting: 14 June 2000

Asked by : The Hon Emily LAU

Replied by : SEM

Question :

Under the educational voucher system, prospective tertiary students may freely choose the university to attend, and universities are required to collect educational vouchers from their respective students who have been issued with such vouchers by the relevant authority and exchange them for government subsidies, instead of being subsidized through direct funding. Regarding the feasibility of adopting such a system in Hong Kong, will the Executive Authorities inform this Council:

  1. whether they are considering adopting such a system;

  2. whether any study has been or is being conducted on the adoption of such a system in Hong Kong; if so, of the relevant details; and

  3. (c) whether and when they will conduct the relevant public consultation?


Madam President,

(a), (b) and (c)

The Administration collects information on international practices in the higher education sector from time to time. In this context, we note that the education voucher system is implemented in a small number of places (e.g. some states of the USA and Chile) and that there have been mixed comments on the merits of such system.