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[Archive] Work of the Steering Committee on Parent Education



Date of Meeting: 14 February 2001

Asked by : Hon Cyd HO

Replied by : SEM

Question :

The Administration has set up a Steering Committee on Parent Education and provided it with $50 million for enhancing parent education. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

  1. of the terms of reference and the membership list of the Committee, as well as the rationale for the appointments of the individual members;
  2. how long the above amount of funding is expected to last; whether it has set any time limit on the exhaustion of the amount; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
  3. whether it plans to turn the Committee into a standing committee and provide it with recurrent funding; if it has, of the long-term work plan of the Committee; if not, how it will ensure that those parents in need can have the necessary support after the funding has exhausted?


Madam President,

a.At present, parent education and home-school co-operation are provided through a variety of channels, including government departments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and recurrent resources are provided for this purpose. The provision of an additional capital sum of $50 million announced by the Chief Executive in his 2000 Policy Address is to further strengthen efforts in this area. A Steering Committee on Parent Education has been set up to formulate an overall strategy on parent education, to consider how the earmarked $50 million may best be used, to co-ordinate implementation by various parties, and to monitor progress. Detailed terms of reference are at Annex A.

The membership list of the Steering Committee is at Annex B. It includes representatives from relevant departments/NGOs as well as key stakeholders, such as schools, tertiary institutions, parents, employers and community members. The wide and balanced membership should help the Committee carry out its tasks effectively.
b.(b) The Steering Committee is now considering how best to use the earmarked capital sum of $50 million. Our plan is to seek funding approval from the Finance Committee by mid-2001. Since the provision is capital in nature, there is no specific time limit within which it must be exhausted. The preliminary thinking of the Steering Committee is to phase the expenditure over a period of two to three years.
c.(c) The Steering Committee will remain in place until its tasks set out in (a) above are completed. At present, we have no intention of turning it into a standing committee with recurrent funding. That said, as mentioned in (a) above, various departments/NGOs have already been provided with recurrent funding for organising parent education and home-school co-operation programmes. This will ensure that parents, schools, and parent-teacher associations will continue to have the necessary support after the capital sum of $50 million has been exhausted.

Annex A
Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee on Parent Education

  1. To devise an overall strategy to encourage a wider participation of the community in parent education.
  2. To better co-ordinate the efforts of relevant government departments and non-governmental organisations on parent education.
  3. To ensure effective deployment of the $50 million earmarked in the 2000 Policy Address, and to support parent education, encourage the participation of parents in educational affairs and produce reference materials featuring children's physical, psychological and intellectual development for parents and child care workers.
  4. To monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of parent education initiatives.

Annex B
Membership List of the Steering Committee on Parent Education

Mr Matthew Cheung

Director of Education


Mrs Patricia Chu

Deputy Director of Social Welfare

Representative of the Social Welfare Department

Mrs Agnes Allcock

Deputy Director of Home Affairs

Representative of the Home Affairs Department

Mrs Betty Ip

Assistant Director of Education

Representative of the Education Department

Mr Peter Leung

Assistant Director of Education

Representative of the Education Department

Miss Jenny Choi

Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower

Representative of the Education and Manpower Bureau

Dr Shirley Leung

Principal Medical and Health Officer, Department of Health

Representative of the Department of Health

Ms Annie Lo

Principal Social Worker, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

Representative of non-governmental organisations

Ms Wendy Wu

Coordinator for Group and Community Service, the Salvation Army

Representative of non-governmental organisations

Mr Tik Chi-yuen

Chairman, Committee on Home-School Co-operation

Parent representative

Mr Leung Chung-wan

Advisor, Hong Kong East Parent Teacher Association Federation

Parent representative

Mr Fung Ho-keung

President, the University of Hong Kong Graduates Association

Parent representative

Mrs Julie Lee

Chairperson, Parent's Association of Pre-school Handicapped Children

Parent representative

Mr Stephen Hui

Chairman, Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council

School representative

Mr Fung Man-ching

Chairman, Hong Kong Subsidized Primary Schools Council

School representative

Mrs Laura Ling

Chairperson, Hong Kong Special Schools Council

School representative

Mrs Chan Ngai Yuk-ying

Committee Member, Union of Government Primary School Headmasters and Headmistresses

School representative

Mr Samuel Yung

Chairman, Outstanding Young Person's Association

Community member

Mr Michael Tien

Director, The G2000 Group

Employer representative

Dr Ho Sui-chu

Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Representative of tertiary institutions

Mrs Grace Wong

Senior Lecturer, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

epresentative of tertiary institutions