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National Security Education Resource Webpage

        National Security Education (NSE) is an important component of values education. It is inseparable from national education and an indispensable part of school curriculum.

        The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (NSL) has been promulgated and implemented since 30 June 2020. As stipulated in Article 10 of the NSL, “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall promote national security education in schools and universities and through social organisations, the media, the internet and other means to raise the awareness of Hong Kong residents of national security and of the obligation to abide by the law”. It is the responsibility of schools to implement NSE through the school curriculum.
        Building on schools’ implementation of Constitution and Basic Law education, they can adopt a “multi-pronged and co-ordinated” approach to promoting NSE holistically through related Key Learning Areas/subjects, values education (including moral, civic and national education), as well as learning activities within and beyond the classroom at different learning stages of the primary and secondary levels (lower primary, upper primary, junior secondary and senior secondary) according to students’ cognitive abilities. Elements of NSE can be integrated organically in and connected naturally with the curriculum contents of various subjects to strengthen students’ understanding of the rule of law, national conditions, and enable them to understand the importance of safeguarding national security. This also enhances students’ sense of national identity and facilitates their development of important concepts such as nationhood, “One Country, Two Systems”, rule of law, rights and duties, responsibility, commitment, respect for others and self-discipline. 

        In order to support schools to promote NSE, the Education Bureau (EDB) has consolidated resources related to NSE to facilitate schools’ searching for the resources in this webpage. Teachers can also visit relevant webpages of the EDB and the “National Education One-stop Portal” website to search for other resources related to national education.

The content of this webpage has been carefully reviewed for accuracy. Nonetheless, the possibility of imperfections may exist and schools may notify us of proposed corrections, if any.  Schools are also recommended to provide updated information to enrich the content of this learning platform for teachers’ reference.