01/06/2022 | EI0020220299 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Effective Use of IT Tools to Promote Blended Learning of Mathematics in Primary Schools |
01/06/2022(AA); 02/06/2022(AB) | EI0020220258 IT in Education Technological Series: Using IT Tools to Teach Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Primary Schools (Basic Level)  |
02/06/2022 | EI0020220312 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Effective Use of IT Tools to Promote Blended Learning of English Language in Primary Schools |
06/06/2022 | EI0020220268 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Using IT Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness in Physical Education |
06/06/2022 | EI0020220310 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Plan and Teach Lessons under Blended Learning Mode with the Use of e-Learning Tools |
07/06/2022 | EI0020220301 IT in Education Pedagogical Series: Using Canva Design Platform to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness |
07/06/2022 | EI0020220313 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Effective Use of IT Tools to Promote Blended Learning of Chinese Language in Primary Schools |
07/06/2022, 14/06/2022 | EI0020220264 IT in Education Pedagogical Series: Effective Use of Mobile Computer Devices to Implement e-Learning in Secondary Schools (Refreshed) |
08/06/2022 | EI0020220314 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Effective Use of IT Tools to Promote Blended Learning of General Studies in Primary Schools |
08/06/2022, 15/06/2022 | EI0020220265 IT in Education Pedagogical Series: Effective Use of Mobile Computer Devices to Implement e-Learning in Primary Schools (Refreshed) |
09/06/2022(AA); 10/06/2022(AB) | EI0020220326 IT in Education Pedagogical Series: Using e-Learning Tools to Enhance Classroom Interaction in Primary Schools |
10/06/2022 | EI0020220252 IT in Education Pedagogical Series: Enhancing Students' Self-directed Learning through Flipped Classroom |
10/06/2022 - 07/07/2022 | EI0020220279 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using Virtual Reality (VR) in Chinese Language Lessons in Primary Schools (Online Self-learning Course)  |
10/06/2022 - 07/07/2022 | EI0020220267 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using e-Learning Platforms to Make Flipped Classroom Learning Material for Chinese Language (Advanced Level)(Online Self-learning Course)  |
13/06/2022 | EI0020220259 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using 3D Drawing Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness of General Studies in Primary Schools |
13/06/2022 | EI0020220305 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using Nearpod to Design Chinese Language Lessons in Primary Schools (Basic Level) |
13/06/2022 - 10/07/2022 | EI0020220266 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using 3D Drawing Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness of General Studies in Primary Schools  |
14/06/2022 | EI0020220255 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Using Learning Management System (LMS) to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness in Primary Schools |
15/06/2022 | EI0020220328 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using IT Tools to Facilitate e-Assessment in General Studies in Primary Schools (Basic Level) |
15/06/2022 | EI0020220315 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Promoting School-based "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) to Facilitate Self-directed Learning among Students |
15/06/2022 - 13/07/2022 | EI0020220272 IT in Education e-Safety Series: Management, Security and Maintenance of School IT Facilities - Mobile Device Management (MDM) in Schools (Online Self-learning Course)  |
15/06/2022 - 13/07/2022 | EI0020220273 IT in Education e-Safety Series: Management, Security and Maintenance of School IT Facilities - Learning Management Systems (LMS) in Schools (Online Self-learning Course)  |
16/06/2022 | EI0020210589 IT in Education Blended Learning Series: Implementing Blended Learning in Mathematics Lessons |
17/06/2022 | EI0020220327 IT in Education Technological Series: Using Google Sites to Manage e-Learning Resources (Advanced Level) |
17/06/2022(AA); 29/06/2022(AB);
| EI0020220337 IT in Education Pedagogical Series: How to Use IT Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness Under the New Normal (Basic Level) |
20/06/2022 | EI0020220254 IT in Education Technological Series: Using Micro First-Person View (FPV) Drones in Learning Activities in Primary School (Basic Level)  |
20/06/2022 | EI0020220270 IT in Education Technological Series: Using IT Tools and Internet of Things (IoT) Platforms to Build a Smart City  |
20/06/2022 (AA); 04/07/2022 (AB) | EI0020220342 IT in Education Technological Series: Using Minecraft to Enhance Learning and Teaching of Python  |
21/06/2022 | EI0020220260 IT in Education Pedagogical Series: Using Robot Kit to Develop Students’ Computational Thinking Skills in Primary Schools (Basic Level)  |
21/06/2022 | EI0020220335 IT in Education Technological Series: Using IT Tools to Teach Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Secondary Schools (Advanced Level)  |
23/06/2022 | EI0020220308 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using Nearpod to Design Interactive General Studies Lessons in Primary Schools |
23/06/2022 | EI0020220346 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using e-Learning Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness of Personal, Social and Humanities Education Related Subjects (Advanced Level) |
24/06/2022 | EI0020220329 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using IT Tools to Facilitate e-Assessment in Mathematics in Primary Schools (Basic Level) |
24/06/2022 | EI0020220330 IT in Education Technological Series: Using Mobile Learning Device for Multimedia Design and Educational Video Editing |
24/06/2022 | EI0020220336 IT in Education e-Leadership Series: Sharing on School-based Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education (with School Tour)  |
27/06/2022 | EI0020220344 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using Google Classroom to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness of English Language in Primary Schools |
27/06/2022 | EI0020220269 IT in Education Technological Series: Using IoT Platform and Arduino Sensor for STEM Investigative Studies (Advanced Level)  |
28/06/2022 | EI0020220271 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using IT Tools to Facilitate Interaction in Chinese Language Lessons in Primary Schools (Advanced Level) |
28/06/2022 | EI0020220347 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using e-Learning Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness of Speaking Activities in English Language (Advanced Level) |
29/06/2022 - 27/07/2022 | EI0020220340 IT in Education e-Safety Series: Information Literacy Education in Primary Schools ─ General Studies (Advanced Level) (Online Self-learning Course)  |
29/06/2022 - 27/07/2022 | EI0020220341 IT in Education e-Safety Series: Information Literacy Education in Secondary Schools ─ Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development (Advanced Level) (Online Self-learning Course)  |
29/06/2022(AA); 04/07/2022(AB) | EI0020220334 IT in Education Technological Series: Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Google AIY Kits  |
30/06/2022 | EI0020220256 IT in Education Subject-related Series: Using IT Tools to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness of English Language in Primary Schools (Basic Level) |
30/06/2022, 07/07/2022 | EI0020220320 IT in Education e-Leadership Series: e-Leadership Empowerment Workshop (Primary) |