No. | Theme | Title | Sharing School | Presenter(s) | Powerpoint |
1 | Effective enhancement in the learning and teaching of English Language | (a) | Effective use of resources for capacity building in teachers and English enhancement in students | SKH St Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College | Mr Alain Li, English Panel Chairperson Ms Kate Cheung, English teacher |  |
(b) | Building a firm English foundation at junior secondary levels to prepare for the challenges of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum | NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College | Mr Ho Sai Ming, English Panel Chairperson |  |
2 | Promoting Language-across-the curriculum / English across KLAs | (a) | Effecting school-based curriculum changes for better student learning in English Language through Reading Across the Curriculum | CCC Ming Yin College | Miss Sally Cheung, English Panel Chairperson |  |
(b) | The effective entry point of the fine-tuned MOI policy | Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College | Mr Kwok Yiu Fung, Principal Ms Brenda Ho, English Panel Chairperson |  |
3 | Effective Use of English in learning and teaching Maths | (a) | Exploring How meanings are made in mathematics: Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Unknowns | CUHK FAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School | Ms Ho Suk Yin, Mathematics junior co-ordinator Mr Lai Yat To, Mathematics teacher |  |
(b) | Definition of Trigonometry through three meaning-making systems in Mathematics | PLK Mrs Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College | Mr Tong Sui Lun, Mathematics teacher |  |
4 | Effective Use of English in learning and teaching Science | (a) | Language matters: teaching I.S. through reading and writing | PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School | Mr Chau Wai Shing, Science teacher cum Life Education Panel Chairperson |  |
(b) | Developing students’ writing skills in Junior Science | PLK Ma Kam Ming College | Mr Leung Man Chun, Science teacher |  |
5 | Practices on Extended Learning Activities in English | (a) | School-based experience sharing: Strategies and reflections in promoting ELA | HK & Kln KFWA Sun Fong Chung College | Mr Ng Siu Ki, Principal Ms Wu Fung King, Vice Principal Ms Lam Lin Fong, Geography Panel Chairperson |  (Chinese version only) |
(b) | Conducting ELA in the subject of Physics - S.3 "Optics" | Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School | Mr Tsui Yat Hing, Physics Panel Chairperson |  |
6 | Whole-school language policy at school level | (a) | Whole-school Language Policy in MOI Fine-tuning - Anchoring on the Interests of Students | SKH St. Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College | Ms Lee Wing Ching, Vice Principal |  (Chinese version only) |
(b) | The Implementation of school-based language policy – possibilities and opportunities | Pooi To Middle School | Ms Tsang Enian, Principal |  |
7 | Practices on ‘Train-the-Trainers’ programmes in school | (a) | Our Journey in Development of Language across the Curriculum for English-medium Education (DOLACEE) | CCC Yenching College | Ms Yew Ming Oh Jenny, English Panel Chairperson Mr Sit Cheung Wah, Mathematics Panel Chairperson |  |
(b) | Teaching students with English as MOI in mainstream classrooms: A school-based teacher-training programme | SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School | Mrs Tam Leung Yen Ying, English teacher Ms Tse Pik Yuk, English Panel Chairperson |  |