Nurturing gifted students should be seen as one way of catering for learner diversity and it is a part of quality education. Gifted Education Section strives to facilitate mutual learning and professional exchanges of experience among frontline teachers of the same Key Learning Areas (KLAs)/ domains through building up learning communities in the Gifted Education School Network. The network promotes and optimises the holistic planning of the school-based gifted education, and facilitate the deployment of differentiated instruction to cater for the learning and affective needs of gifted students, and develops suitable school-based gifted education in collaboration with teachers.
To share and promote good practices and resources that are conducive to effective school-based gifted education, the Gifted Education Section conducts Gifted Education School Network Experience Sharing Sessions with different themes every school year and invites network schools to share their experience of implementation of school-based gifted education, and students’ learning outcomes. The captioned compendium consolidates the content of the above-mentioned sharing sessions, including the lesson designs, worksheets and relevant PowerPoints shared by the network schools.
The Compendium is consisted of learning and teaching resources, which cover various KLAs/ domains including Chinese Language Education, English Language Education, Mathematics Education, Personal, Social & Humanities Education, STEAM Education and affective education. The lesson plans and relevant learning materials were adopted from the tryout of the network schools and serve as teacher references in deploying differentiated instruction to cater for the learning and affective needs of gifted students, as well as infusing the core elements advocated in gifted education, i.e. higher-order thinking skills, creativity and personal-social competence, into the school-based curriculum. Teachers are welcome to download relevant learning and teaching resources as teaching references.
We will continue to work in close collaboration with teachers to develop different learning and teaching resources and practise various teaching strategies of gifted education. A collection of valuable teaching resources for implementing school-based gifted education would be uploaded to our webpage for teachers’ reference and adaptation.
Gifted Education Section,
Curriculum Support Division, Education Bureau
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