Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Trade Fair Company Programme 2008/09 - Junior Achievement Hong Kong
Speech at the Thirtieth Anniversary Speech Day of Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College
Speech at the Heads of Universities Committee (HUCOM)“334” Symposium – “Partnering for Excellence in Education”Opening and Signing Ceremony
Speech at the Seminar on Fine-tuning the Medium of Instruction for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
Speech at the Speech Day of the YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
Speech at the Annual Speech Day of Heep Yunn School
Speech at the 10th Anniversary of the Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme
Speech at the 2008 Hang Lung Mathematics Awards Presentation Ceremony
Speech at The Rectors/Presidents Conference of the Universities in Hong Kong and Baden-Württemberg
Speech at Conference "Reflections" 2008 - Education and Attracting Talent in Hong Kong - Cambridge University Hong Kong and China Affairs Society
Speech at Primary Six Graduation Ceremony of Maryknoll Convent School (Primary Section)
Speech on Nurturing Talents in a Globalised World – Hong Kong's Game Plan & Opportunities for Canada
Speech at Opening Ceremony of the Leo Lee Arts Centre, Canadian International School
Speech at Opening Ceremony of New Campus of Victoria Shanghai Academy
Speech at Reception in Norway
Speech at Reception in Finland
Speech at Opening Ceremony of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Lee Shau Kee College
Speech at Croucher Foundation’s Presentation Ceremony
Speech at Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of Multi-media Building of the City University of Hong Kong
Speech at Hong Kong Baptist University Founders' Day Reception
Speech at the Symposium on Medium of Instruction (English Version translated from the Chinese Original)
Speech at Grand Opening Ceremony of the Independent Schools Foundation Academy
Speech at Topping-out Ceremony of St Paul's Co-educational College Primary School (New Campus)
Speech at Annual Speech Day of Sheng Kung Hui Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School
*Please also refer to Chinese version of this page