'i – Journey' Paid Non-local Study Leave Scheme for Secondary School Teachers (2nd Cohort)

Programme A(4)Interdisciplinary Learning & Entrepreneurship Education

Turku, Finland
25 February - 19 April 2019
The Finnish education system has been renowned as one of the most successful models in the 21st century. With emphases on collaborative classroom practices, phenomenon-based enquiry and project-based/interdisciplinary learning, its recent reform of the National Core Curricular aims to promote the development of seven key transversal competences in their students. In this light, a group of 15 teachers embarked on a learning journey to Turku, Finland to get inspired by the exemplary Finnish practices.
In this Turku-based programme, the participants were introduced knowledge of relevant theories, research, and latest policies in Finland; and more importantly, through attachment in local schools, they were offered invaluable opportunities to witness how students benefit in the collaborative lessons and were further inspired to think how the successful Finnish model could be adapted in the Hong Kong educational context.
The participants successfully accomplished their study programme in Finland in February – April 2019. Let us read about their impressive stories and be inspired too!
List of School-based Project- A Fruitful Adventure into Interdisciplinary Learning and Entrepreneurship Education
- STEM 同行計劃
- Promoting Active Lifestyle in School through Expedition
- 跨學科專題研習 ── 培養學生成為自主學習者
- Curriculum Reform: Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education in S3 Economics
- Foster Entrepreneurial Education
- 透過考察活動及6C元素促進學生的跨學科學習體驗
- Be Proactive and Creative with Exploration through an Interdisciplinary Learning Project
- Applying Deep Learning Approach to Develop a STEAM Project-based Curriculum for S1 and S2 Students
- Thinking, Creating a Better World
- Get, Set, Learn to Cooperate
- Transversal Competencies and Extra-curricular Activities: Are They Miscible?
- Multidisciplinary Learning Project
- Develop a STEM Curriculum in Kwok Yat Wai College
- 初中跨學科課程
Programme A(5)Assessment Literacy

Southampton, The United Kingdom
29 April - 21 June 2019
United Kingdom stands out internationally in promoting teachers’ professional development in assessment and enhancing their levels of assessment literacy. Its recent reform of the National Curriculum highlights the pivotal role of assessment in students’ learning progress and stresses the importance of teachers’ and students’ active involvement in in-school assessment, particularly day-to-day formative and diagnostic assessment. Against this background, a group of 15 teachers embarked on their learning journey to the UK to learn about the state-of-the-art best practices of assessments.
In this Southampton-based study programme, the participants first learnt about knowledge of relevant theories, research, latest policies, and practices in the UK, and more importantly gained valuable insights into how these effective assessment practices could be replicated in the Hong Kong context.
The participants successfully completed their study programme in the UK in April – June 2019. Highlights of their learning journey are exhibited below.
List of School-based Projects- To Evaluate the School-based Flourishing Life Programme in Lam Woo
- AI Assessment Learning
- Taking Peer Assessment of Essays to a New Level - Using Liberal Studies as an example
- Nurturing Effective English Writers through Enhancing the Assessment Literacy of Teachers and Students
- Assessment as Learning to Foster Self-directed Learning
- Empowering Students to Develop Student-initiated Assessment Rubrics for Self-assessment and Peer Assessment in HKDSE English Language Paper II (Writing)
- Building Assessment Literacy with Teachers and Students: Assessment Literacy Helps to Create a Better Learning Environment
- From Formative to Summative - Bridging Formative Assessment Activities in English Literature and English Drama Lessons and Summative Assessments of English Reading Skills
- Enhancing the Assessment Literacy of Students in Senior Secondary English Reading Lessons
- Student Self-assessment in Mathematics
- 運用評估數據促進學與教
- Rethinking Quality Formative Assessment: ‘Science and Technology’ as a Pilot Scheme - Using the Evans’ Assessment Tool (EAT) Framework
- To Promote Assessment for Learning in a Secondary School
- Improving the Internal Assessment Design through Strengthening Assessment of / for / as Learning
- Nurturing Autonomous Learners: Promotion of Peer Assessment via Different Ability Groups in S4-S6 Liberal Studies Classes
STEM Education

11 March - 3 May 2019
Singapore outperformed other participating countries/areas in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 results, with Science, Mathematics and Reading ranking the first place. Since 2013, the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) has been implementing the STEM Applied Learning Programme (ALP), a project-based enrichment programme, in her secondary schools. With an emphasis on authentic and practice-oriented learning experiences, the STEM ALP covers a wide range of topics, such as applied science, engineering and robotics, and environmental science and sustainable living. In the interest of learning about the Singaporean best practices, a group of 10 teachers set off on their learning journey to Singapore.
In this Singapore-based study programme, the participants not only acquired knowledge of relevant theories, research, latest policies and practices in the country, but also got valuable opportunities to explore how the pedagogical foci of scientific creativity, problem-based learning and the use of educational technology can be applied in promoting STEM education in the ongoing renewal of school curriculum.
The participants went through their study programme held between March and May 2019 with great diligence and assiduity, and returned enlightened and spirited. Let us praise for their achievements and share their remarkable experience!
List of School-based Project- To Design An Above Knee Prosthesis for a Marathon Runner after Amputation
- School-based STEM Education in CLSMSS
- Mathematics in Real World Application
- New Media Interactive Arts Innovation - School-based Initiatives - Teaching Package for STEAM Learning
- 氣球動力車挑戰賽
- 生活科技 3.0
- The Effect of Implementing Thematic Approach in STEM Curriculum on Students’ Perception in Learning
- Using e-tools to Facilitate the Project-based Learning of Physics
- The Effectiveness of STEM in Promoting Understanding of the Community
- Innovation and Technology Exploration Programme
Post-trip Debriefing19 June 2019
While setting off with the same goal of pursuing more in-depth inquiry into the set theme under each Programme, the learning journey for each participant has remained unique and unparalleled. To help consolidate participants’ learning outcomes and encourage exchange of experience and insights among the participants, a post-trip sharing session was held on 19 June 2019 at EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre. Besides reminiscing about the memorable moments during their 5-week overseas experiences, the participants from all three Programmes also took the opportunities to further share with each other the fruits of their learning. By this, their learning journey has continued and extended beyond the time of this non-local study leave scheme.
Pre-launch Meetup18 January 2019 & 22 February 2019
The participants were brought together weeks before setting off on their learning journey in a Pre-Launch Meetup where they shared their excitement and anticipation towards their 8-week undisturbed study programme and began discussing logistics arrangement and pre-trip preparation. While they only met for the first time at this occasion, a professional learning community was soon formed among them, paving way for future exchanges of expertise and experience as well as active collaboration during and beyond this study programme.