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Self-learning Resources for Students


Self-learning Music Appreciation Resource Toolkit
"Do you like animals? Let us listen to music related to animals together!" PowerPoint (Chi only)  
"Chinese Folk Song Little Classroom" PowerPoint (Chi only)  

Visual Arts    
Key Stage TopicDescription of the Resources /
related Learning Objectives
Junior Primary/
Senior Primary /

Junior Secondary

Learning and Teaching of Drawing:
Hong Kong Architecture - Affection in the Grids

Primary 1-3   (Chi Only)

“Learning and Teaching of Drawing: Hong Kong Architecture” Short Video Series for supporting the learning and teaching of Visual Arts at primary and junior secondary levels. The videos aim to foster students’ interest in drawing and appreciation of local architecture, and nurture their positive attitudes towards cultural heritage.
Briefs of the videos are as follows:

1. Lower Primary: Affection in the Grids

Appreciate the grid architecture of Hong Kong, and draw the windows of apartments for expressing the affection of households.
2. Upper Primary: Old Buildings, Come Alive!

Appreciate the proportion and symmetrical structure of traditional Chinese buildings, and revitalise them with imagination.

3. Junior Secondary: Seeing Architecture

Appreciate streets and buildings in Hong Kong, and draw them with expressive lines for presenting the affection towards the community.

Learning and Teaching of Drawing:
Hong Kong Architecture - Old Buildings, Come Alive!

Primary 4-6  (Chi Only)

Learning and Teaching of Drawing:
Hong Kong Architecture - Seeing Architecture

Secondary 1-3  
(Chi Only)

Senior Primary/ 
Junior Secondary

Introduction to Animation (1)

Hand-drawn Animation: A Bouncing Dot 

(Chi Only)

This video provides a step-by-step guide to help students acquire basic hand-drawn animation skills by free software for arousing their interest in digital art making and in creating their own stories.


Introduction to Animation (2)
Hand-drawn Animation: A Dot Walking on a Pencil 

  (Chi Only)

Introduction to Animation (3)
Stop Motion: Paper Clips, Come Alive!

  (Chi Only)
Junior Primary/
Senior Primary /

Junior Secondary
My Visual Diary
 (Chi Only)

Create a personal visual diary through accepting 10-day challenges for developing observation and imagination, and strengthening the interest of art making.

Junior SecondaryStories of Labourers
 (Chi Only)

By depicting the stories of labourers, this teaching unit arouses students’ respect for them and develops students’ positive values and attitudes towards diligence.

Junior Secondary/ 
Senior Secondary
Drawing Workshop

Students can learn drawing skills and expressions according to the sequence of the seven video clips.  (Chi Only)

This set of resources is derived from a drawing workshop. Students can learn drawing skills and expressions according to the sequence of the seven video clips.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the forms and expressions of drawing through appreciation
  2. Develop drawing abilities through different strategies

Video 1: What is drawing   Video 2: Exercise 1  Video 3: Exercise 2  

Video 4: Exercise 3  (Students should use at least 3 images from the Internet /books for this exercise)  
Video 5: Exercise 4    Video 6: Visual Diary   
Video 7: Exercise 5