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Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme—Provision of Mobile Computer Devices and Internet Services Support


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 Date Event
21 June 2024

Briefing on Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme - Provision of Mobile Computer Devices and Internet Services Support (2024/25 School Year)(21 June 2024)


Briefing on the Programme
14 June 2024

The Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme for the 2024/25 school year is now open for application. For details, please refer to the Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 121/2024.

11 June 2024

“Briefing on Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme - Provision of Mobile Computer Devices and Internet Services Support (2024/25 School Year)” will be held on 21 June 2024 (Friday). Schools wishing to join the programme in the 2024/25 school year are encouraged to visit Training Calendar System for enrollment soonest.

For enquiries, please contact the IT in Education Section of the Education Bureau at 3698 3584 or 3698 3670.

15 January 2024

The application deadline for joining the Programme in the 2023/24 school year is 31 January 2024 (Wednesday). Schools that plan to participate in the Programme to support needy students in this school year, please return the completed Application Form before the deadline. For programme details, please refer to EDB Circular Memorandum No. 85/2023.

For enquiries, please contact the IT in Education Section of the Education Bureau at 3698 3670 or 3698 4149.

19 June 2023

Briefing on Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme - Provision of Mobile Computer Devices and Internet Services Support (2023/24 School Year)(19 June 2023)


Presentation Slides 
2 June 2023

The Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme for the 2023/24 school year is now open for application. For details, please refer to the Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 85/2023.

5 January 2023

The Education Bureau (EDB) has launched “School Messaging Module” (SMM) to replace “WebSAMS – Communication and Delivery System” (CDS), and schools are no longer able to use CDS for submission of information. As such, the EDB has issued a letter and send messages via SMM (enclosed with the required Excel template) to participating schools in the 2022/23 school year so that schools can return documents through SMM. Please visit “Common Log-on System” ( for authentication in order to login the SMM to receive the message.

Schools’ attention is drawn to the following:

  • Schools should submit the Excel file together with the required documents through the SMM before 29 April 2023 so that funding disbursement could be made by the end of this school year.
  • Schools are required to deploy the returned equipment from beneficiaries of the 2021/22 school year (e.g. students leaving your school) for loan to newly eligible students in the 2022/23 school year. In this regard, the number of returned equipment provided by schools has been included in the Excel file for calculating the required funding of this school year. Please refer to the demonstration video on how to fill in the Excel file and submit the required documents for funding disbursement at
  • For schools that submit their applications in January 2023, the above letter and SMM messages will be issued by 10 January 2023. The application deadline of this school year’s funding programme is 31 January 2023.

For enquiry, please contact the IT in Education Section of the Education Bureau at 3698 3670 or 3698 4149.

15 November 2022

The Education Bureau has issued a letter and Communication and Delivery System (CDS) messages (enclosed with an Excel template for filling in the verified information on student beneficiaries and items purchased) to schools that have filed applications for the 2022/23 school year by end-October 2022, for informing the funding disbursement procedures. Schools’ attention is drawn to the following:

  • Schools should submit the Excel file together with the required documents through the CDS before 29 April 2023 so that funding disbursement could be made by the end of this school year.
  • Schools are required to deploy the returned equipment from beneficiaries of the 2021/22 school year (e.g. students leaving your school) for loan to newly eligible students in the 2022/23 school year. In this regard, the number of returned equipment provided by schools has been included in the Excel file for calculating the required funding of this school year. Please refer to the demonstration video on how to fill in the Excel file and submit the required documents for funding disbursement at
  • For schools that submit their applications in or after November 2022, we will issue the above letter and CDS messages to them within one month from the receipt of their applications. The application deadline of this school year’s funding programme is 31 January 2023.

For enquiry, please contact the IT in Education Section of the Education Bureau at 3698 3670 or 3698 4149.

30 June 2022

Briefing on Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme - Provision of Mobile Computer Devices and Internet Services Support (2022/23 School Year)(24 June 2022, 30 June 2022)


Presentation Slides 
2 June 2022

The Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme for the 2022/23 school year is now open for application. For details, please refer to the Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 86/2022.

28 February 2022

Schools intend to provide mobile data cards to eligible students for e-learning are reminded of the latest development on Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards (Real-name Registration Programme). Phase two of the Real-name Registration Programme will begin tomorrow (1 March 2022). All newly issued SIM cards (including new pre-paid data SIM cards) must have the real-name registration completed before activation.

January 2022

To support schools in implementing the blended mode of learning and teaching under the “new normal”, schools can participate in “Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme—Provision of Mobile Computer Devices and Internet Services Support” (the Programme) for the loan of mobile computer devices and related equipment to financially needy students. The application deadline for the 2021/22 school year is 31 January 2022 (Monday). In view of the latest development of the epidemic, schools are welcome to contact the Information Technology in Education Section of the Education Bureau at 3698 4149 or 3698 3670 for any questions on the application of the Programme, and the application deadline will be handled flexibly according to schools’ situation.

In addition, due to the high demand for mobile computer devices and the global shortage of chips, it may take a longer time for the suppliers to deliver the products. Therefore, participating schools are advised to make purchases as soon as possible to cater for students’ learning needs under the “new normal” as early as possible.

30 September 2021

The Education Bureau has sent a letter as well as Communication and Delivery System (CDS) messages (with an Excel template) to participating schools (2021/22 school year), who have submitted the application form before mid-September 2021, to inform them of the procedures of funding disbursement. Participating schools are required to return the following documents, including (1) information of student beneficiaries and items purchased (i.e. (i) A completed Excel file containing the verified information of student beneficiaries and items purchased, and (ii) copy of proof of students’ eligibility) and (2) copy of invoice(s)/payment receipt(s) from supplier(s)), to us on or before 29 April 2022 (Friday) so that funding disbursement could be completed by the end of this school year. For schools which have submitted their application form after mid-September 2021, the letter and CDS messages will be provided within a month’s time from the IT in Education Section.

Due to the world-wide shortage of IC chips, it may take longer time to deliver mobile computer devices ordered by suppliers. Participating schools are advised to undertake the procurement procedures as early as possible.

For enquiries, please contact the IT in Education Section of the Education Bureau at 3698 4149 or 3698 3670.

7 June 2021

Briefing on Quality Education Fund e-Learning Funding Programme - Provision of Mobile Computer Devices and Internet Services Support (2021/22 School Year)(31 May 2021, 7 June 2021)


Presentation Slides 
17 May 2021

Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 63/2021

Press Release