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Curriculum Resources about the COVID-19 (Summary Table)

Related teaching resources will be updated on a regular basis.

  • English Language Education - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Upper Primary

Fighting against Novel Coronavirus

  • To understand different ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection
  • To learn to appreciate and care for others by writing a thank-you card to doctors and nurses
  • To develop an understanding of the features of a thank-you card
  • To develop reading, listening and writing skills



Junior Secondary

Fighting against Novel Coronavirus

  • To understand different ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection
  • To develop positive values and attitudes related to "responsibility" and "care for others"
  • To develop an understanding of the features of posters
  • To develop reading and writing skills


  • English Language Education  - 2nd batch of teaching resources (August 2020)
Key StageTopicDescription of the task(s)Attitudes to be developedSkills to be developedKnowledge to be developedL&T resources
Upper PrimaryMy Hero is You – how kids can fight COVID-19To read and write a story about COVID-19 
  • Positive attitudes for coping with adversities
  • Love and care for friends, families and community
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Understanding how to protect oneself from COVID-19 and stay positive
  • Knowledge of features of short stories



Junior and senior  SecondaryCombatting Misinformation of COVID-19To create a visual text to raise awareness of misinformation related to COVID-19
  • Responsibility
  • Respect for evidence
  • Critical attitude towards ideas and values
  • Information literacy skills
  • Writing skills
  • Understanding the concept of "infodemic"
  • Knowledge of features of visual texts




  • NET  - 2nd batch of teaching resources (August 2020)
Key StageTopicDescription of the task(s)Attitudes to be developedSkills to be developedKnowledge to be developedL&T resources
Lower PrimaryLet Our Imagination Run Wild Storytelling Video Series

Episode 1:
The Lion and the Mouse
One of the most popular fables, The Lion and The Mouse, is accompanied by a song for students to watch and sing along. It can also be used in conjunction with a unit on animals focusing on the target language features, i.e. comparative and superlative adjectives. Respect and  appreciation for nature and different culturesResponding to characters in the fable through making predictions and participating in the telling of the storiesText Type: Fable, Song 

Language Focus: Comparatives and superlative adjectives

EMM: Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 1: The Lion and the Mouse


Lower PrimaryLet Our Imagination Run Wild Storytelling Video Series

Episode 2:
Shark in the Park!
Students peep through their imaginary telescopes and sing along to see what the character has spotted in the park. Episode 2 can be used in conjunction with a unit focusing on giving directions or indicating locations.Responding to events in an imaginative text through imagining oneself to be a character
Text Type: Story, Song

Language Focus: 
Location and direction words – adverbs and prepositions

Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 2: Shark in the Park!


Lower PrimaryLet Our Imagination Run Wild Storytelling Video Series

Episode 3:
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
A fun cumulative rhyme featuring an old lady and animals of increasing sizes is presented along rhyming words, riddles and guessing games.
It can be used in conjunction with a unit focusing on rhymes.
Developing an enjoyment of the basic sound patterns of English through listening and singing songs and rhymesText Type: 
Rhyme, Joke, Song

Language Focus: 
Rhyming Words

Lower and Upper Primary and Junior SecondarySocial and Emotional (SEL) Resource WebpageThe SEL tasks are designed under eight themes related to children’s growth. Each task is tied to one or more SEL competencies to show how family experiences and fun activities at home can be springboards for conversations on people’s strengths, responsibilities and respect. Teachers and parents are encouraged to use or adapt the activities to promote SEL in the classroom/home environment.Values 
Respect for others
Care for others
  • likes/dislikes
  • ideas/plans
  • needs/wants
  • good wishes
  • concerns
  • sympathy
  • descriptions
  • accounts of events
  • explanations
  • services
  • enquiries
  • requests
  • excuses
  • comparisons
  • suggestions 
  • predictions
Responding to
  • thanks
  • greetings
  • apologies
  • rules/ instructions
Text Type:
Thank you card
News report

Language Focus: 
Sentence patterns to achieve the required communicative functions:
  • declarative 
  • interrogative
  • imperative


Downloadable resources in PDF 


  • Mathematics Education - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Lower and upper primary

Clean your home

Live a healthy life


Solving daily-life problems involving time, capacity and areas


Junior secondary

Dilution of household bleach

Applying the knowledge of ratios and proportions to solve real-life problems


  • Mathematices Education  - 2nd batch of teaching resources (August 2020)
Key StageTopicDescription of the task(s)Attitudes to be developedSkills to be developedKnowledge to be developedL&T resources
Uppwer PrimaryRecognising the COVID-19 pandemic from dataStudents are asked to interpret official data on COVID-19 retrieved from government websites. They are also asked to construct suitable statistical graphs to represent the data.
  • Being careful in interpreting and presenting data
  • Being thankful to the contribution of health care professionals
  • Informing Literacy: Retrieving data from reliable sources 
  • IT Skills: constructing statistical graphs using IT tools
  • Interpretation and construction of statistical graphs
  • Average of a group of number






Junior SecondarySocial distancing and the spread of COVID-19Students are asked to study the effect of social distancing in the prevention of spread of COVID-19 based on official data 
  • The attitudes of responsibility and care for others 
  • Informing Literacy: Retrieving data from reliable sources 
  • IT Skills: using a spreadsheet for data computation and construction of graphs
  • Computation involving powers
  • Application of mathematics to real-life contexts






Senior SecondaryRecognising the COVID-19 pandemic from dataStudents are asked to interpret official data on COVID-19 and study the infection distribution among different age groups
  • Being rigorous in  analysing data and formulating conclusions to avoid misleading results
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Applications of statistical concepts and knowledge to solve real-life problems
  • Uses of statistics
  • Construction and interpretation of the box-and-whisker diagram







  • Science Education - Science (S1-3) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Junior Secondary

12. A Healthy Body

  • Recognise that most infectious diseases are caused by infection of microorganisms
  • State that some infectious diseases are caused by viruses
  • Recognise some ways for preventing infectious diseases
  • Recognise that healthy lifestyles are required for keeping our bodies healthy so as to prevent diseases


  • Science Education - Biology - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior Secondary

IV. Health and Diseases - Types of Diseases

Infectious diseases

  • Causes
  • Ways of transmission


  • Science Education - Chemistry - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior Secondary

III. Metals

IV. Acids and Bases

VII. Redox Reactions, Chemical Cells and Electrolysis

X. Chemical Equilibrium

XV. Analytical Chemistry

  • Calculations relating to mole and concentration of solutions
  • Volumetric analysis
  • Redox reactions
  • Chemical equilibrium


  • Science Education - Integrated Science - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior Secondary

E2. Keeping Ourselves Healthy - Infectious Diseases

  • Examples of infectious diseases and their modes of transmission


  • Technology Education - Information and Communication Technology (Junior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Junior Secondary / TE Knowledge Context:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


Computer Networks

Applications of computer communications and their impacts

  • Use search engine to search and download useful information from the Internet
  • Analyse the accuracy and reliability of information


Programming Concepts

Data manipulation

  • Variables and simple arithmetic operations in assignment tasks
  • Relational operators (>, >=, <, <=, = and <>) and logical operators (AND, OR and NOT)
  • Simple programs with flow control statements and loops


Ideas of a stored program

  • Importance of the stored program in an automated processing task and using programs to control the computer
  • Input simple programs into the computer, execute and modify the programs, observe results of the programs

  • Technology Education - Information and Communication Technology (Senior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior Secondary:
Information and Communication Technology


Internet and its Applications

Internet Services and Applications

  • Search for specific information on the Web by using search-engines
  • Value and appraise the significance of the development of the Internet for various activities in society


Information Processing

Data Organisation and Data Control

  • Identify data, records, fields, files and databases in the hierarchical organisation of data


The Use of Office Automation Software

  • Describe and use basic features of spreadsheets to solve problems
  • Demonstrate data manipulation techniques in spreadsheets
  • Apply spreadsheets as a data analysis tool by using a pivot table (and pivot chart), and "what-if" scenarios

  • Technology Education - Technology Education Knowledge Contexts: Strategies and Management (Junior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Junior Secondary:

Technology Education Knowledge Contexts:

Strategies and Management


Module:K7 Business Environments, Operations and OrganisationsTopic - Characteristics of business environment of Hong Kong

Identify the characteristics of business environment of Hong Kong in the related case of Covid-19:

  • Lack of natural resources
  • Dependence on external trade
  • Free and open economy
  • No foreign exchange control
  • Well-established legal system
  • Efficient infrastructure and communication network


Extended Discussion Topic: Interests and Responsibilities of

Smart Consumers

Understand the impacts of reacting blindly to rumours from relevant news reports and short clip and become a rational and responsible consumer.


  • Technology Education - Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Senior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior Secondary
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies


Compulsory Part: 1(b) Introduction to Management

With reference to the characteristics of SMEs,

  • think about the business situation of SMEs during the epidemic
  • analyse the operating difficulties faced by SMEs in the period


Topic: Key Business Functions

Regarding the operating difficulties faced by SMEs during the epidemic,

  • suggest how different business functions can help SMEs solve the problems and tide over the crisis

  • Technology Education - Technology and Living (Junior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Junior Secondary / TE Knowledge Context:

Technology and Living

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle to Improve Immunity

  • Food & Nutrition
  • Home Management & Technology


  • Technology Education - Health Management and Social Care (Senior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior Secondary / Health Management and Social Care

Infectious Diseases & Strategies for Disease Prevention and Control

  • Infectious Diseases
    • Understanding Epidemiologic Triangle (Agent, Host, Environment)
    • Identify different modes of transmission
    • The ways to break the chain of infection for the control of the outbreak of diseases
  • Three levels of disease prevention
  • Government strategies for prevention and control of infectious diseases


  • Technology Education - Design and Technology (Junior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Junior secondary: Design and Technology

Standards of surgical masks and Common Product Standards

Operation and manufacturing - Production process (K6):

Product design

  • Product standards


  • Technology Education - Design and Technology (Senior Secondary) - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior secondary: Design and Applied Technology

Understanding Immunization Product Design – Common Product Standards and Testing for Surgical Masks

Compulsory part
Strand 1 : Design and Innovation

Design Considerations

  • Understanding of the international standards of products
  • Importance of product testing


  • Personal, Social and Humanities Education - Economics - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Senior Secondary

An Economic Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 on Hong Kong Economy

  • Market and Price
  • Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government
  • Measurement of Economic Performance
  • National Income Determination and Price Level
  • Macroeconomic Problems and Policies
  • International Trade and Finance


  • Arts Education - Visual Arts - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Lower Primary

Healthy Lifestyle in a Day at Home

  • use organic shapes to create images fluently
  • use regular grid to express visual order
  • appreciate and analyse several Australian Aboriginal paintings*, focusing on their use of organic shapes and grid
  • create a painting about healthy living habits in a day at home
  • paint flat colours with oil pastels



Upper Primary

Defender of Hygiene 

  • use light and shade to create 3-dimensional effect
  • compare and contrast the psychological effects of symmetrical balance and asymmetrical balance
  • appreciate and analyse several Impressionist paintings*, focusing on the human postures, the use of light and shade in creating 3-dimensional effect, and the feeling and messages conveyed by symmetrical and asymmetrical balance in composition
  • create a painting with the title "Defender of Hygiene" through observation and imagination
  • paint in oil pastels with blending technique (blend black and white, or analogous colours to create light and shade)



Junior Secondary

Loving Lives

  • recongise that positive and negative spaces are interdependent and interactive, and could convey multiple layers of meaning
  • recognise different ways and their effects of using symmetrical and asymmetrical balance in graphic design
  • appreciate and analyse several posters by Shigeo Fukuda*, focusing on the arrangements of space and ways of expression, and interpret the messages conveyed
  • design 5 symbols with the title "Loving Lives" to encourage people to love their lives
  • sketch with pencils or markers



Senior Secondary

Teachers may make use of the following resources for providing learning and teaching activities to their students.

  • With reference to the example of teaching design in Appendix 1 of the Visual Arts Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4-6), teachers may guide students to appreciate artwork online and develop their own artwork on a related theme, so as to help them learn how to develop a portfolio
  • The website of EDB One-stop Portal for Learning & Teaching Resources* provides questions and annotated assessment on comparison of artworks. Students may use these materials to study writing art appreciation and criticism
    Students may use online resources and continue to develop their research workbooks and artworks according to their selected themes. Teachers provide guidance and feedback where appropriate through electronic communication.


  • Arts Education - Music - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources


Song of Rejoice

  • Improvise body movements on music
  • Express personal feelings to music
  • Understand the positive messages conveyed by the lyrics
  • Understand the relationship between music and films




Joyful Music for All

  • Understand how musical elements are employed in the songs
  • Appreciate the positive messages conveyed by the lyrics
  • Rewrite lyrics to express the beauty of the melody

Reference Song List




Examples of applying e-Learning tools to learn music

Extended Learning Activity

Examples of reference websites for learning music


  • Physical Education - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources


Physical Fitness/
Fitness Dance/

Movement Game

Understand the health benefits of physical activities, cultivate a habit of doing exercises and experience the

joy of it.

Physical Fitness PPT

Fitness Dance PPT

Fundamental Movement Games for Key Stage 1 PPT



Physical Fitness/

Fitness Dance

Learn how to design a personal physical fitness programme and develop a habit of doing physical activities regularly.

Physical Fitness (Elementary) PPT

Physical Fitness (Advanced) PPT

Fitness Dance PPT

  • Liberal Studies1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020) (also applicable to Citizenship and Social Development)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources


Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development X Information Literacy

(For Parents): How Could We Identify Authentic/False Information?

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" is used as an entry point to enhance parents’ understanding of information literacy. Parents are also encouraged to pay more attention to and care about children’s Internet and online behaviour so as to guide them to think critically and become responsible information users.





Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development X Information Literacy

(For Teachers) : How Could We Identify Authentic/False Information?

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" is used as an entry point to enhance teachers’ understanding of information literacy. Suggestions on learning and teaching activities as well as feedback to students are provided so as to guide students to understand the importance of information literacy and to think critically and avoid being affected by the rumours during the epidemic.





Key Stages 3 and 4 (Secondary 1 to 6 Students)

Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development is a senior secondary subject. However, considering that this PPT is mainly about information literacy, it is also suitable for junior secondary students)


Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development X Information Literacy

(For Students): Be An Information Master

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" is used as an entry point to enable students to apply critical thinking skills for analysing the contents of messages and encourage them to fight against the epidemic together with optimistic and positive attitudes.



Key Stage 4 (Secondary 4 to 6 Students)

Challenges of the

Global Fight against

the Epidemic

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" is used as an entry point to enable students to understand

  • the relationship between globalization and the spread of epidemics, and the impact of the spread of infectious diseases on public health
  • the importance of international cooperation on maintaining public health security


Senior Secondary

  • Challenges of the global fight against the epidemic


Key Stage 4 (Secondary 4 to 6 Students)

Analysing Behaviours and Values Related to the Epidemic

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" is used as an example to guide students to reflect on their behaviours and values during the epidemic, including:

  • maintaining personal hygiene to prevent the spread and viral infections
  • showing empathy and care for others’ needs and feelings

Senior Secondary

  • Behaviours and values related to the epidemic


  • General Studies for Primary Schools - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

Lower Primary

Health and Living


  • Basic personal and environmental hygiene, e.g. wash hands properly, do not litter
  • Importance of food, exercise, rest to health, e.g. balanced diet, regular exercise, correct postures, eye protection
  • Proper handling and use of medicine


Reference materials


EDB website










Suggested Learning Activity

  • Watch EMM: 「預防呼吸道感染」 and 「打敗病菌大王」,to understand the existence of bacteria in the environment and ways to prevent diseases Ÿ Read the websites of the government HKSAR, e.g. information released by Department of Health – "Featured Page on Coronavirus", and learn the health guides about the prevention of COVID-19 and the process of the virus transmission
  • Practise the proper way of hand hygiene
  • Practise the proper way to dispose a surgical mask


Upper Primary

Health and Living - Common Diseases and Be a Responsible Citizen
  • Healthy living
  • Causes, effect and preventive measures of common diseases, e.g. infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases, how diseases spread through droplets
  • 「預防呼吸道感染」
  • To introduce the causative agent of respiratory tract diseases and identify the differences in symptoms between influenza and atypical pneumonia; to demonstrate how to wear a mask properly and explain the functions of wearing a mask, how to choose and dispose a mask etc. By healthcare professionals; to tell how to keep personal, environmental and food hygiene in order to strengthen immune system, so to prevent respiratory tract diseases and other infectious diseases
  • To highlight the morphology of bacteria and viruses, the living environment, reproduction, and relationships with humans and recommend preventive measures and treatment of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses
  • To tell how to practise personal healthy lifestyle, how to care for people, live in harmony with others, and build a healthy community


Other reference materials

EDB website







Suggested Learning Activity

  • Watch EMM by sections:「預防呼吸道感染」「細菌和病毒」「健康社區」,take notes or design a slogan/ poster or write an e-mail to relatives who live overseas to suggest some preventive measures
  • Research, read the websites of the government, HKSAR information, e.g. information released by Department of Health – "Featured Page on Coronavirus", and learn the health guides about the prevention of COVID-19, Preparedness and response plan for novel infectious disease of public health significance (2020)
  • Practise the proper way of hand hygiene
  • Practise the proper way to dispose a surgical mask
  • Discuss the responsibilities of a citizen, e.g. Keep personal and home hygiene, proper way to handle waste, be aware of environmental hygiene -Self-learning Worksheet (Together, we fight the virus)
  • Worksheet 1: Understanding infectious diseases-Self-learning Worksheet (Together, we fight the virus) WORD
  • Worksheet 2: Maintaining hygiene to prevent diseases -Self-learning Worksheet (Together, we fight the virus) WORD
  • Worksheet 3: Extended Activity – Care for others WORD

  • Moral, Civic and National Education - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources


Be Proactive and optimistic in facing the COVID-19 epidemic

To help students understand how to exemplify positive values and attitudes in different domains, including personal domain, family domain, school domain and community domain, and practice good citizenship, under the epidemic situation.




Be Proactive and optimistic in facing the COVID-19 epidemic

To help students understand how to exemplify positive values and attitudes in different domains, including personal domain, family domain, school domain and community domain, and practice good citizenship, under the epidemic situation.


  • Gifted Education - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources

/Secondary 3

Health and Hygiene

  • To identify good habits and ways to help people stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • To develop reading and writing skills; and
  • To write leaflets to inform different stakeholders in the neighbourhood of ways to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PowerPoint Slides (Revised)



Worksheet (Reading Passage)


  • Gifted Education - 2nd batch of teaching resources (August 2020)
Key StageTopicDescription of the task(s)Attitudes to be developedSkills to be developedKnowledge to be developedL&T resources
Upper PrimaryHealthy EatingStudents learn about the importance of fruit and vegetables to keep them strong and create acrostic poems on their favourite fruit or vegetables with original and informed ideas
  • To value the importance of fruit and vegetables; and
  • To express their feelings towards their favourite fruit and vegetables
  • To acquire the skills of writing acrostic poems; and
  • To practise the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • To learn the English names of some fruit and vegetables; and
  • To understand the health benefits of having enough fruit and vegetables every day



  • Kindergarten Education - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources


I am a Healthy Kid

  • Healthy Living
  • Health Education
  • Games and Physical Activities
  • Reading Activities
  • Other References


  • Life-wide Learning - 1st batch of teaching resources (March 2020)
Key Stage/LevelTopicRelated Content/Learning ObjectivesTeaching Resources


Life-wide Learning during the Fight against the Epidemic - Virtual Tours in Museums

“Life-wide Learning during the Fight against the Epidemic - Virtual Tours in Museums” aims to facilitate students to make better use of their learning time at home to visit websites of the world’s museums while fighting against the epidemic.  Through the online exhibitions/seminars, virtual tours and multi-media learning resources of the museums, students can acquire different kinds of knowledge and broaden their horizons anywhere at any time